Lucio Gera
Audimax of the Faculty of Theology, Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina , Buenos Aires
Lucio Gera (born January 17, 1924 in Pasiano di Pordenone , Friuli-Venezia Giulia , Italy; † August 7, 2012 in Buenos Aires , Argentina ) was an Argentine Catholic theologian . He is considered a formative theological teacher of Pope Francis .
Lucio Gera was born in Pasiano, Province of Pordenone in northern Italy. In 1929 his family emigrated to Argentina. Gera grew up in Villa Devoto , studied theology, was ordained a priest in Buenos Aires in 1947 and was a chaplain until 1951 . He then continued his studies, first in Rome, where he obtained his licentiate in 1953 , and later in Bonn . There he received his doctorate in 1956 with a dissertation supervised by Johann Auer on "The historical development of the doctrine of transubstantiation from Thomas Aquinas to Johannes Duns Scotus ".
In 1957 he became professor of dogmatics at the theological faculty of the Universidad Católica Argentina in Buenos Aires and its first dean. He also taught at the seminary there and was at the same time spiritual guide of the movement of Catholic students (Juventud Universitaria Católica - JUC), the Argentine branch of the Movimiento Internacional de Estudiantes Católicos (MIEC) / Juventud Estudiantil Católica Internacional (JECI) . With the JUC he founded the school and student pilgrimages to Luján in 1965 .
Gera worked for the Latin American Bishops Council (CELAM) in its Equipo de Reflexión Teológico pastoral . At the first conference of Latin American theologians convened by CELAM and chaired by Ivan Illich in March 1964 in Petrópolis, Lucio Gera, Juan Luis Segundo and Gustavo Gutiérrez gave the main presentations on "The meaning of the Christian message in the context of poverty and oppression", in which - without that this term was used - many concerns of the theology of liberation were already being raised . Gera campaigned for a theology that listened to the enslaved people (instead of just teaching). As "Perito Asesor" (theological advisor) he took part in the two general assemblies of the Latin American episcopate in Medellín in 1968 and in Puebla in 1979 and was the author of draft texts for the documents of both assemblies. It is not least thanks to him that the impulses of the Bishops' Assembly in Medellín drew circles at least in parts of the Church in Argentina. Pope Paul VI appointed him to the International Theological Commission when it was founded in 1969 . This appointed him to the secretary of their sub-commission on the " Theology of Hope " led by Karl Rahner . Since 1986 he has been a member of the Pontifical Council for the Laity .
Lucio Gera is one of the fathers of the theology of liberation. In January 1968 he gave a lecture at the General Assembly of Catholic Students (JUC), which received a strong response beyond this circle. He based his theology on the analysis of the prevailing conditions - an approach that became groundbreaking for the method of the emerging theology of liberation. His lecture was immediately transcribed, hectographed and distributed by the Latin American Secretariat of MIEC / JECI. Gustavo Gutiérrez referred explicitly to Gera's suggestions in his lectures at a study week for priests and religious sisters in Chimbote (Peru) in July 1968, from which the eponymous book “Theology of Liberation”, published in 1971, emerged. Gera himself began a year later, in 1972, to give courses on liberation theology in Buenos Aires. He was a member of the movement “Priests for the Third World” (Movimiento de Sacerdotes para el Tercer Mundo - MSTM).
In addition to his contributions to the theology of liberation, Gera mainly worked on a “Theology of Cultures” and a “Theology of the People”. To this end, popular piety explored his Argentinian homeland.
Lucio Gera died on August 7, 2012 in Buenos Aires. At the instigation of Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio , he was buried in the crypt of the Cathedral of Buenos Aires, which is otherwise reserved for the bishops . This decision caused a sensation and was understood in Argentina as a sign of Bergoglio's appreciation of the "Church of the Poor".
- Evolutio historica doctrinae transsubstantiationis a Thoma de Aquino ad Ioannem Duns Scotum . Dissertation, Bonn 1956.
- Theology of the Trinidad . Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires 1968.
- Reflexión Teológica . In: Rolando Concatti, Domingo Bresci (Red.): Sacerdotes para el Tercer Mundo. Crónica, documentos, reflexión (series: Publicaciones del Movimiento ). Movimiento de Sacerdotes para el Tercer Mundo, Buenos Aires 1970, pp. 198-233.
- Teology de la liberación . Movimiento Internacional de Estudiantes Católicos / Juventud Estudiantil Católica Internacional. Centro de Documentación del Secretariado Latinoamericano MIEC-JECI, Lima 1972.
- Teología de la Liberación . In: François Houtart, Ivan Illich u. a. (Ed.): Del Subdesarrollo a la Liberación . Madrid 1974, ISBN 84-288-0275-0 , pp. 71-106.
- La Iglesia frente a la situación de dependencia . In: Lucio Gera, Aldo Bünting, Osvaldo Catena: Teología pastoral y dependencia . Guadalupe, Buenos Aires 1974, pp. 9-64.
- Pueblo, Religón del pueblo e Iglesia . In: Teología. Revista de la Facultad de Teología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina . ISSN 0328-1396 . Issue 26/27 (1976), pp. 99-123.
- El documento de Puebla. Visión de conjunto . Servicio de Documentación e Información del Instituto de Cultura Religiosa Superior, Buenos Aires 1980.
- Evangelization and advancement of man . In: Peter Hünermann, Juan Carlos Scannone , Carlos María Galli (eds.): Latin America and Catholic social teaching . Volume 1: Science, cultural practice, evangelization: methodological reflections on Catholic social teaching . Matthias Grünewald Verlag , Mainz 1993, ISBN 3-7867-1700-1 , pp. 245-299.
- La teología de los procesos históricos . In: Teología. Revista de la Facultad de Teología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina . ISSN 0328-1396 . No. 87 (2005), pp. 259-279.
- Memoria y esperanza: El camino de la renovación . In: Silvia Kot (ed.): Ser Católico hoy frente al tercer milenio . Manrique Zago Ediciones, Buenos Aires 1997, ISBN 987-509-019-0 , pp. 103-131.
- (as co-author) La iglesia y el país . Edición Búsqueda, Buenos Aires 1967.
- (with Guillermo Rodríguez Melgarejo ) Apuntes para una interpretación de le Iglesia argentina . Centro de Documentación del Secretariado Latinoamericano MIEC-JECI, Montevideo 1970.
- (as co-author) Sacerdotes para el Tercer Mundo . Publicaciones del Movimiento Sacerdotes para el Tercer Mundo, Buenos Aires 1970.
- (as co-author) Teología, pastoral y dependencia . Edición Guadalupe, Buenos Aires 1974.
- (with Gerardo Tomás Farrell) Hacia una pastoral del mundo del trabajo . Comisión Nacional para la Prioridad Juventud, Sector Mundo del Trabajo, Buenos Aires 1985.
- (as co-author) Comentario al Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica . Paulinas, Buenos Aires 1996, ISBN 978-950-09-1148-1 .
Escritos teológico-pastorales (Collected Works). Edited by Virginia Azcuy, Carlos María Galli, Marcelo González and José Carlos Caamaño.
- Vol. 1: Del Preconcilio a la Conferencia de Puebla (1956-1981) . Ágape Libros, Buenos Aires 2006. ISBN 978-987-1204-36-6 (928 pages).
- Vol. 2: De la Conferencia de Puebla a nuestros días (1982-2007) . Ágape Libros, Buenos Aires 2007. ISBN 978-987-1204-70-0 (1030 pages).
- Eucarestía y vida cotidiana . In: José Carlos Caamaño, Juan Guillermo Durán, Fernando Ortega, Federico Tavelli (eds.): Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. 100 años de la Facultad de Teología. Memoria, presente, futuro . Agape Libros, Buenos Aires 2015, ISBN 978-987-640-391-7 , pp. 389-412.
A bibliography of over 100 writings (up to 1996) can be found in the commemorative publication Presente y futuro de la teología en Argentina. Homenaje a Lucio Gera . Paulinas, Buenos Aires 1997, pp. 515-520.
Secondary literature
- Virginia Azcuy: The Recepción del Vaticano II en la teología argentina. Testimonios seleccionados de Lucio Gera . In: José Carlos Caamaño, Juan Guillermo Durán, Fernando Ortega, Federico Tavelli (eds.): Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. 100 años de la Facultad de Teología. Memoria, presente, futuro . Agape Libros, Buenos Aires 2015, ISBN 978-987-640-391-7 , pp. 465-492.
- Margit Eckholt : "... for me theology grows out of pastoral work". Lucio Gera - a "teacher in theology" of Pope Francis . In: Voices of the Time , Vol. 232 (2014), pp. 157–172.
- Ricardo Ferrara, Carlos María Galli (eds.): Presente y futuro de la teología en Argentina. Homenaje a Lucio Gera . Paulinas, Buenos Aires 1997, ISBN 950-09-1208-2 .
- Ministerio peregrino y mendicante. Lucio Gera, 50 años de sacerdocio . Special issue of Nuevo Mundo magazine . Revista Teológica Latinoamericana ( ISSN 0327-7097 ), Vol. 55, 1998.
- Juan Carlos Scannone: Lucio Gera: Un teologo «dal» popolo . In: La Civiltà Cattolica , No. 3954 of March 21, 2015, pp. 539-550.
- ^ Franziskus-Biograf: The past raises questions. (short book review),, May 28, 2013
- ↑ Josep Ignasi Saranyana (ed.): Teología en América Latina . Volume 3: El siglo de las teologías latinoamericanistas (1899–2001) . Vervuert, Frankfurt am Main 2002. ISBN 3-89354-033-4 . P. 325.
- ↑ obituary by Xabier Pikaza Ibarrondo: Lucio Gera, in memoriam. , accessed on August 29, 2012.
- ↑ Josep Ignasi Saranyana: Review of the Festschrift for Lucio Gera. In: Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia (AHIg). ISSN 1133-0104 . Vol. 8 (1999), p. 548.
- ↑ Guillermo Rodríguez Malgarejo: El don de una vida . In: Ricardo Ferrara, Carlos María Galli (eds.): Presente y futuro de la teología en Argentina. Homenaje a Lucio Gera . Paulinas, Buenos Aires 1997. p. 43.
- ↑ UCActualidad, vol. 10, issue 140 (November / December 2010), p. 3.
- ↑ Roberto Oliveros Maqueo: Liberación y teología. Génesis y crecimiento de una reflexión (1966–1976) . Centro de Reflexión Teológica (CRT), Mexico City 1977, pp. 57-58.
- ↑ Enrique Dussel : Teología de la Liberación. Un panorama de su desarrollo . Potrerillos, Mexico City 1995, p. 87.
- ↑ Josep Ignasi Saranyana (ed.): Teología en América Latina . Volume 3: El siglo de las teologías latinoamericanistas (1899–2001) . Vervuert, Frankfurt am Main 2002. ISBN 3-89354-033-4 . P. 329.
- ↑ José Comblin : Brief History of the Theology of Liberation . In: Hans-Jürgen Prien (ed.): Latin America. Society, church, theology . Volume 2: The dispute over the theology of liberation . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1981. ISBN 3-525-55383-8 . Pp. 13–38, here p. 34.
- ↑ Fernando Castillo : Liberating Practice and Theological Reflection . In the S. (Ed.): Theology from the people's practice. Recent studies on Latin American Christianity and the theology of liberation . Matthias Grünewald Verlag, Mainz 1978. ISBN 3-7867-0698-0 . Pp. 13–60, here p. 22.
- ↑ , accessed on August 29, 2012.
- ↑ Guillermo Rodríguez Malgarejo: El don de una vida . In: Ricardo Ferrara, Carlos María Galli (eds.): Presente y futuro de la teología en Argentina. Homenaje a Lucio Gera . Paulinas, Buenos Aires 1997. p. 49.
- ↑ Guillermo Rodríguez Malgarejo: El don de una vida . In: Ricardo Ferrara, Carlos María Galli (eds.): Presente y futuro de la teología en Argentina. Homenaje a Lucio Gera . Paulinas, Buenos Aires 1997. p. 52.
- ^ Philipp Berryman: Latin American Liberation Theology . In: Theological Studies . ISSN 0040-5639 . Vol. 34 (1973). Pp. 357-395.
- ↑ Lucio Gera: Elementos para un análisis de la Iglesia Argentina. Fragmentos de la versión grabada de su conferencia en el Encuentro Nacional de JUC Argentina (enero 1968) . Centro de Documentación del Secretariado Latinoamericano MIEC-JECI, Montevideo 1968. 2nd expanded edition under the title Apuntes para una interpretación de le Iglesia argentina . Centro de Documentación del Secretariado Latinoamericano MIEC-JECI, Montevideo 1970 (together with Guillermo Rodríguez Melgarejo).
- ↑ Eduardo de la Serna: Una alegría. Una preocupación. A reflexion a partir del justo homenaje a Lucio Gera . In: Vida Pastoral . ISSN 1666-5120 . Volume 46, issue 262, (November / December 2006).
- ^ Marcelo Gabriel Magne: Dios está con los pobres. El Movimiento de Sacerdotes para el Tercer Mundo - Prédica revolucionaria y protagonismo social, 1967-1976 . Imago Mundi, Buenos Aires 2004, p. 15.
- ^ Carlos Schickendantz: Signs of the Times Today as a Latin American Perspective . In: Peter Hünermann (ed.): The Second Vatican Council and the signs of the times today . Herder, Freiburg 2006. ISBN 978-3-451-29154-8 . Pp. 163–180, here p. 167.
- ^ Sergio Silva: Theological history of Latin America since 1945 . In: Johannes Meier , Veit Straßner (ed.): Church and Catholicism since 1945, Vol. 6: Latin America and the Caribbean . Schöningh, Paderborn 2009. ISBN 978-3-506-74466-1 . Pp. 29–58, here p. 47.
- ^ Carlos María Galli: Un precursor de la teología latinoamericana contemporánea . P. 5, accessed on April 2, 2020.
Web links
- Literature by and about Lucio Gera in the catalog of the German National Library
- Carlos María Galli: Un precursor de la teología latinoamericana contemporánea , accessed on August 29, 2012.
personal data | |
SURNAME | Gera, Lucio |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | Argentine theologian |
DATE OF BIRTH | January 17, 1924 |
PLACE OF BIRTH | Pasiano di Pordenone |
DATE OF DEATH | August 7, 2012 |
Place of death | Buenos Aires |