Ludwig Miehe

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Ludwig Miehe (born January 16, 1939 in Einbeck ; † June 14, 2014 ) was a German writer .


Ludwig Miehe attended grammar school in Einbeck up to grade 10 . He did his military service in Lüneburg for two years . He then attended language schools in southern England and Spain . In Frankfurt am Main he obtained the interpreting diploma for English and Spanish . In addition to work, he attended the evening school Academy for World Trade in Frankfurt, from which he graduated with a diploma in foreign trade. He was married to the author Rosa Moreno Peribañez. They both have a son.

Until his retirement in 2002, Miehe worked for a US company in Frankfurt. There he worked in various commercial and organizational departments. He was active in the works council and in unions such as IG Metall and IG Medien .

In the 1970s he made contact with the work group literature in the world of work (Werkstatt Frankfurt), where he a. a. worked with Heinrich Droege , Manfred Lesch, Horst Scharnagl, Heinz Milloth and Franz Scheidl on the publication of edited volumes. In addition, together with his colleagues, he tried to depict in poetry and prose an area of ​​public life that was largely left out of official literature: the “world of work”.

The relevance of this area of ​​life and its literary representation is obvious, as it represented the most important area for the vast majority - even if its literary representation was and is not desired. The reasons why the work of the working group was largely ignored by the official literary scene could not only be of a qualitative nature (even if this opinion was often and gladly expressed by its critics in the past) - rather, in connection with the Cold War , they had to be between East and West can also be seen in this area.

In Miehe's stories such as B. Beckmanns Herbst , No Mercy for Eulenspiegel , The Tortoise Man , Witch Hunt are the working world and its authoritarian structures. And marginalized groups of society such as the labor emigrants, whose fates were described in stories such as El Valenciano , Carrillos Wig , Lopsch or The Berber Uprising , are not left out. Another topic of his novels and stories was German fascism and neo-fascism , which he tried to portray in texts such as Völkische Jugend , Louis Miehe , Wie nasse Füchse and Ciao Bella .

In later books, Miehe turned to his southern Hanover homeland and Hessian adopted home in short stories and thrillers ( Der König vom Borntal , Die Brandstifter and Der Bildersturm ). These are genre images that reflect the sensitivities in the city of Hanover and the province of Hanover . Profoundly and with ironic distance, he observed the folly of individuals as well as social conditions in the past and present.

He died at the age of 75. After his death, his urn was buried in the Neu-Isenburg cemetery.


Anthologies - Associate Editor and / or Author

  • Crime scene workplace , Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag , Frankfurt / Main 1984
  • You have to do the pressure , Bund-Verlag , Cologne 1986
  • Pißblume am Beton , dipa Verlag, Frankfurt / Main 1986
  • Put on hold , Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag, Frankfurt / Main 1987
  • Grenzgedanken , Bund-Verlag, Cologne 1991
  • Freizeit-Lose , dipa Verlag, Frankfurt / Main 1990
  • The pharyngeal nymph cartel , Aarachne-Verlag, Frankfurt-Vienna 1993
  • Leaf shots, Aarachne-Verlag, Frankfurt-Vienna 1997
  • Im Hinnerkopp , Aarachne-Verlag, Frankfurt-Vienna 1998
  • War picture texts , Aarachne-Verlag, Frankfurt-Vienna 1999
  • It could be today , Alibri Verlag , Aschaffenburg 1999
  • Enough for us, reading book against right , Geest-Verlag , Ahlhorn 2000 (?)
  • Laugh, laugh at, laugh at, Aarachne-Verlag, Frankfurt am main / Vienna 2003

Novels, short stories

  • In the glass case. Office story. Bund-Verlag, Cologne 1989 ( limited preview in the Google book search)
  • Der König vom Borntal , BoD Verlagsbuchhandlung, Norderstedt 2002 ( limited preview in the Google book search)
  • The Brandstifter , BoD Verlagbuchhandlung, Norderstedt 2006
  • Iconoclasm. A small town thriller. BoD Verlagsbuchhandlung, Norderstedt 2012 ( limited preview in the Google book search)

Contributions to satirical magazines

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Obituary , Offenbach-Post , June 24, 2014.
  2. Christine Wittrock : Obituary for Ludwig Miehe. In: VS – Info Hessen , Edition 3/2014, Association of German Writers - Landesverband Hessen, p. 3.