Ludwig Philipp von Engelbrecht

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Ludwig Philipp von Engelbrecht (born February 1, 1758 on Usedom ; † September 4, 1818 in Königsberg ) was a Prussian engineer officer, most recently a colonel .



Engelbrecht came from the extensive Engelbrecht family . His father was the Prussian Oberamtmann zu Löwitz , Daniel Christian Engelbrecht (1722–1790).


Engelbrecht attended high school in Stettin and in 1774 became a volunteer in the engineer corps of the Prussian Army , where his uncle was already in service. So he got involved in the fortification work in Kolberg . In 1777 he became a conductor for the construction work in Grabow and Graudenz . In the War of the Bavarian Succession in 1778 Engelbrecht was Quartermaster General for Prince Heinrich of Prussia . After that he was in Berlin in 1779 , advanced to lieutenant in 1783 and went to the engineering academy in Potsdam in 1788 .

During the First Coalition War he was with the Rhine Army and he took part in the sieges of Longwy , Verdun , Mainz and Landau . Here he received the order Pour le Mérite on July 29, 1793 as adjutant at the siege of Mainz . In 1796 he was in the demarcation army in Westphalia . Then he was an engineer officer from the place in Graudenz and advanced to major on February 29, 1805 . After the defeat of Prussia and the Peace of Tilsit , Engelbrecht was put on half pay on July 9, 1807 at 400 Thaler , but was already brigadier of the fortresses in Prussia in 1808.

During the Wars of Liberation , Engelbrecht took part in the siege of Thorn from March 28 to April 4, 1813 , where he was honored with the Iron Cross II class and the Order of St. George IV class for his work. The latter also brought him the elevation in the hereditary nobility . In 1814 he was promoted to lieutenant colonel and finally to colonel in 1815. He was brigadier of the fortresses in Prussia at Königsberg.


He married in Rees in 1800 with Freiin Wilhelmine Luise Charlotte Alexandrine von Plettenberg from the Schwarzenberg house (1769-1807). She was the daughter of Christoph zu Schwarzenberg and Borghausen (1730–1797) and Freiin Henriette Marie Christiane Charlotte Quadt-Wykradt-Hüchtenbruck (1736–1777).

The marriage had three children:

  1. Wilhelm Julius Albert Theodor Dietrich (1802–1862), Prussian lieutenant colonel in the engineer corps
  2. Selma Caroline Luise Augusta (* 1804)
  3. Eugen Ludwig Eldor Robert (1806–1896), Prussian major in the 17th Landwehr Regiment ⚭ Luise Miller (1811–1951)


References and comments

  1. Ranking list Royal. Prussian Army for the year 1793. pp. 208–209.
  2. Gustaf Lehmann: The knights of the order Pour le Mérite. Volume 1: 1740-1811. ES Mittler & Sohn , Berlin 1913, p. 264.
  3. Gothaisches Genealogical Pocket Book of Noble Houses . B, Gotha 1921, p. 184.
  4. Detlev Schwennicke : European family tables . Vol. XXIV. Around the Baltic Sea 3. Frankfurt am Main 2007, Tfl. 43.
  5. Parents of the emperor's wing adjutant , Prussian military attaché in Rome and lieutenant general, Karl von Engelbrecht (1846–1917)