Engelbrecht (family)

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Engelbrecht family coat of arms

Engelbrecht is the name of an originally Thuringian family that has received multiple ennobles , which later branched out and spread and achieved some reputation. Branches of the family persist to this day.

There is no proven tribal relationship to the family of the same name, also ennobled as Engelbrechten , which has proven origins in Wilken Engelbrecht , 1489–1502 councilor in Greifswald , nor to the Engelbrecht family , which with Marquard Engelbrecht , 1448 citizen in Kolberg , has its origin Trunk row begins. Both families partly existed at the same time in Pomerania , so that a delimitation is not always easy. There is also no family history of an older Alsatian noble family Engelbrecht , which appeared in a document at least from 1260 to 1495, and the noble family Engelbrecht , which originated in Limburg and which flourished mainly in Aachen , Hamburg and Amsterdam until the 17th century, but there is partly related to the coat of arms.


The consistent and secured line of the Engelbrecht family begins with Hans Engelbrecht , 1442 councilor in Nordhausen , and is continued with Peter Engelbrecht , 1483 councilor in Stolberg im Harz and 1487–1492 councilor ibid. With his grandchildren, the family shared the main tribes Oschersleben , Ilsenburg and Wernigerode in the 16th century .

Julius Christian Otto Engelbrecht (* 1764) emigrated to Suriname as a merchant and founded a South American branch that still exists today. Other civil lines currently persist in Australia and Germany.

The Prussian colonel and holder of the Pour le Mérite Ludwig Philipp Engelbrecht (* 1758; † 1818) has been in the rankings since 1793 with the name v. Engelbrecht led. As Lieutenant General Karl von Engelbrecht (* 1846; † 1917) on December 12, 1912, his grandson was graciously granted the Prussian authorization to continue to use the title of nobility with a diploma from June 3, 1912 in the New Palace .

Coat of arms of those von Engelbrechten, 1852

Furthermore, there was a branch of Engelbrechten, ennobled around 1728, in Gronau , which was managed by the Braunschweig-Lüneburg Secret Council and Chancellor Dr. Arnold Engelbrechten (* 1582, † 1638), who was enfeoffed in 1632 with the Free Saddle Court in Gronau, which was sold to the city in 1973. His grandson Dr. jur. Georg Engelbrecht (* 1680; † 1735), Kurhannoverscher Appellationsrat, received an imperial nobility renewal in Vienna on October 2, 1727 as von Engelbrechten in the erroneous assumption of ancestry from the old Alsatian noble family Engelbrecht . The electoral recognition of the nobility was granted on October 15, 1728 in Hanover . His brother Gottlieb Engelbrecht (* 1689; † 1748), Kurhannoverscher Appellationspronotarius, was raised to the imperial nobility on November 10, 1728 in Vienna with the addition of a similar coat of arms and identical name and received the electoral recognition of the imperial renewal of the nobility on August 14 1736 also in Hanover.

The last-mentioned descendant included the Prussian general brothers Maximilian von Engelbrechten (1851-1911) and George von Engelbrechten (1855-1935). The Saxon lieutenant in grenadier regiment No. 101 Kurt von Engelbrechten (* 1885), who entered the Saxon nobility book on January 28, 1909 (No. 306), as well as the Prussian captain and company commander in infantry regiment No. 75 also belonged to this line and former lieutenant in the protection force in Cameroon , Arnold Engelbrechten (* 1883), who was raised to the Prussian nobility on July 1, 1910 with a diploma from October 30, 1910 in Potsdam .

The noble lines lasted at least until the middle of the 20th century.

Relatives and tribe line

  • Peter Engelbrecht, Schwarzburg magistrate in Sondershausen
    • Peter Engelbrecht the Elder († 1598), hut factor in Ilsenburg
      • Peter Engelbrecht (1558–1618), German lawyer and chronicler in Ilsenburg
      • Christoph Engelbrecht, official of the gentlemen von Veltheim in Harbke
        • Peter Engelbrecht (1624–1674), pastor in the Duchy of Braunschweig
          • Johann Wolfgang Engelbrecht (1660–1731), Brandenburg bailiff in Reetz and Groß Silber
            • Daniel Christian Engelbrecht (1692–1745), Prussian senior magistrate in Stolpe
              • Otto Christoph Engelbrecht (1722–1778), Prussian regimental quartermaster, Braunschweig consistorial councilor in Wolfenbüttel
                • Otto Engelbrecht (1778–1822), Brunswick bailiff
              • Daniel Christian Engelbrecht (1722–1790), Prussian senior magistrate in Löwitz
            • Julius Christoph Engelbrecht (1694–1784), Prussian major
    • Martin Wolfgang Engelbrecht (1532–1591), Stolberg mountain factor , mayor of Wernigerode

coat of arms

The family coat of arms shows:


  • in red a silver-winged angel's head and on the helmet with red-silver covers an open silver flight.

The coat of arms (1727) is divided ; above, in gold, a blue St. Andrew's cross , topped with a winged silver angel's head; below in red a gold star ; on the helmet with red and gold covers a growing angel praying with a gold cross on the head between two buffalo horns divided by silver and blue across the corner .

The coat of arms (1728) is divided; at the top diagonally quartered with red and gold and topped with a flamed silver angel's head in the middle, raised by a blue tournament collar ; below in red a gold star; on the helmet with red and gold covers a growing angel praying with a gold cross on the head between two buffalo horns divided by silver and blue across the corner.

The coat of arms (1911/1912) shows a blond, curly angel head in red between an open silver flight; an open flight on the helmet with red and silver covers.


Web links

Commons : Engelbrecht family  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. GHdA-Lex, Vol. III, 1975, p. 148.
  2. DGB, Vol. 15, 1909, pp. 115-123.
  3. Friedrich Wilhelm Boldewin Ferdinand von dem Knesebeck : Historical paperback of the nobility in the Kingdom of Hanover , p. 125.
  4. Engelbrechten zu Gronau.