Mad Money

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German title Mad Money
Original title Mad Money
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2008
length approx. 104 minutes
Director Callie Khouri
script Glenn Gers
production James Acheson ,
Jay Cohen ,
Frank DeMartini
music Marty Davich ,
James Newton Howard
camera John Bailey
cut Wendy Greene Bricmont

Mad Money is an American comedy thriller from the year 2008 . Callie Khouri directed the film and Glenn Gers wrote the script . Diane Keaton plays a cleaning lady at the US Federal Reserve, who, together with two colleagues ( Katie Holmes and Queen Latifah ) , makes a plan to take away banknotes to be shredded. But in the long run this undertaking does not go undetected.


Bridget Cardigan is married to Don, who loses his job. She learns that the couple are threatened with losing their property. Bridget is looking for a long job until she gets the job of cleaning lady at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City . Used banknotes, among other things, are destroyed there. Cardigan meets her colleague Nina Brewster, a single mother of two, and the much younger Jackie Truman. The three women jointly steal the banknotes to be destroyed by using a sophisticated strategy to outsmart the ubiquitous surveillance mechanisms. However, her husbands get careless and spend a lot of money, Jackie's boyfriend buys stocks over $ 10,000, and Cardigan buys a valuable ring. This makes the financial regulator suspicious. The women are targeted by investigators and desperately try to destroy the banknotes at the last moment. But this does not succeed in time, all members of the group except Bridget are arrested. Bridget contacts a lawyer friend who is friends, who saves the others from punishment with a clever deal. In the end, you learn that Bridget was even able to save a large part of the money in hiding.


James Berardinelli wrote on ReelViews that the film was a crime comedy in which the elements of a crime film were uninteresting and those of a comedy - not funny. It is "lukewarm" and does not seem credible; its structure is so "incredibly idiotic" ("mind-bogglingly idiotic") that one wonders why anyone stays in the cinema until the end. Diane Keaton keeps playing herself, which is "a little boring". Katie Holmes gives the impression of an immature actress who desperately wants to be taken seriously.

Wesley Lovell wrote on that Keaton had a chance for an Oscar even if she played in "particularly banal cheese". However, he doesn't think this film will generate such enthusiasm.

Background information

The film is a remake of the 2001 British comedy Hot Money , which was inspired by real events. He was in Shreveport ( Louisiana turned) from April 2007 to June 2007. Its production amounted to an estimated 22 million US dollars . The film opened in US cinemas on January 18, 2008.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Film review by James Berardinelli, accessed January 18, 2008
  2., accessed on January 13, 2008 ( Memento of the original from January 5, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. ^ Entry in the All Movie Guide , accessed on January 13, 2008
  4. Filming locations for Mad Money, accessed January 13, 2008
  5. ^ Box office / business for Mad Money, accessed January 13, 2008
  6. Mad Money premiere dates, accessed January 13, 2008