Magnús Guðmundsson

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Magnús Guðmundsson (born February 6, 1879 in Rútsstaðir, Svínadalur , † November 28, 1937 in Iceland) was an Icelandic politician (Conservative Party, Independence Party ) as well as Justice , Finance and Prime Minister of Iceland.


Magnús graduated from the University of Copenhagen Law and graduated in 1907th

For his constituency in North West Ireland he was a member of the Icelandic parliament Althing from 1916 until his death .

On February 25, 1920 he replaced Sigurður Eggerz as finance minister and held the office until March 7, 1922. His successor was Magnús Jónsson .

After the death of Prime Minister Jón Magnússon Magnús held the office between June 23 and July 8, 1926, he was succeeded by Jón Þorláksson .

Magnús was a member of the Conservative Party Íhaldsflokkurinn , a predecessor of the Independence Party, of which he was one of the founding members.

He was Minister of Justice three times: first, he took over the office of Jón Magnússon on July 8, 1926 and led it until August 28, 1927, when he passed it on to his successor Jónas Jónsson . On June 3, 1932 he took over the office again from Jónas Jónsson and led it for a short time until November 14, 1932, his successor was Ólafur Thors . From this he took over the office again on December 23, 1932 and held it until July 28, 1934. His successor was Hermann Jónasson . Magnús held the office thus in the first government participation of the Independence Party.

Magnús was married to Sofia Bogadóttir.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Ministries (Iceland)

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