Mamane Souley

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Mamane Souley (born January 30, 1965 in Niamey ; also Maman Souley ) is a Nigerien officer .


Mamane Souley went to primary schools in Hamdallaye , Gaya , Birni N'Gaouré and Boubon . He completed his secondary school education, which he completed with a baccalauréat , at the military school in Bingerville in the Ivory Coast . Souley joined the Niger Army in 1984 . He attended the Military Academy in Antsirabe in Madagascar from 1984 to 1987 and the Infantry School in Montpellier in France from 1988 to 1989 . He was then appointed lieutenant .

Souley took part in the Gulf War from 1990 to 1991 as part of the Nigerien unit . From 1993 he worked, soon with the rank of captain , as a trainer at the training center of the armed forces in Tondibiah , whose command he took over in March 1995. In December 1995 he was instead commander of the armed forces training center in Agadez . In 1997 he joined the 134th Motorized Sahara Company in Tahoua as a commander and was promoted to major the following year . From March 1, 1999, he worked as an officer in the 13th cross-armed battalion.

Niger's President Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara was killed in a military coup on April 9, 1999 . Mamane Souley was appointed to the 14-member Council of National Reconciliation , which was formed on April 11, 1999 and ruled the country as a military junta until the transfer of power to a democratically elected civilian government in December 1999. From May 15, 1999, Souley headed the armed forces' supply group as corps chief.

In May 2003, under President Mamadou Tandja , he became corps chief at the Tondibiah training center. President Tandja, who wanted to stay in power longer than the two planned terms in office, was ousted in a military coup on February 18, 2010. Mamane Souley, who had meanwhile reached the rank of lieutenant colonel , became a member of the new military junta, the Supreme Council for the Restoration of Democracy . In order to promote the junta, he went on trips abroad, to see President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in Liberia and to President Laurent Gbagbo in the Ivory Coast .

In January 2011, the Supreme Council for the Restoration of Democracy handed power over to the new Nigerien President Mahamadou Issoufou . Souley became Director of Foreign Relations and Military Cooperation for the Department of Defense in 2012.

Individual evidence

  1. Chaïbou Maman: Répertoire biographique des personnalités de la classe politique et des leaders d'opinion du Niger de 1945 à nos jours . Volume II. Démocratie 2000, Niamey 2003, p. 398-399 .
  2. A la Présidence du Conseil Suprême pour la Restauration de la Démocratie: the Chef de l'Etat signe un décret fixant the composition du Conseil Suprême pour la Restauration de la Démocratie. In: Niger Diaspora. October 12, 2010, accessed on July 23, 2017 (French).
  3. Diplomatie de paix / Côte d'Ivoire / Niger: Le CSPR dépêche une mission auprès du Président Laurent Gbagbo. Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, Côte d'Ivoire, April 1, 2010, accessed on July 23, 2017 (French).
  4. Au Conseil des ministres: Le Gouvernement adopte plusieurs projets de lois et de mesures individuales. In: Le Sahel . August 2, 2012, accessed July 23, 2017 (French).