Martina Schwarzmann

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Martina Schwarzmann (2018)
Martina Schwarzmann in Moosburg 2009
In Solnhofen ("Old School") (2005)

Martina Schwarzmann (born February 26, 1979 in Fürstenfeldbruck ) is a German cabaret artist .


Martina Schwarzmann grew up on a farm in the Upper Bavarian village of Überacker in the Fürstenfeldbruck district with two brothers and a sister. After completing secondary school in Maisach , at the age of 15, she began training as a cook at the Bayerischer Hof in Munich. Then in 1997 she worked for half a year in a Swiss hotel. She practiced her learned profession for eight years before devoting herself entirely to stage work.

Schwarzmann is married, mother of three daughters (* 2010; * 2015 and * 2019) and one son (* 2011). She lives with her family in Altomünster .


From 2000 onwards, Schwarzmann appeared on various cabaret stages and quickly gained national recognition. She had her first television appearance in 2004 in Ottis Schlachthof . Her music cabaret program consists of lectures and songs that she accompanies with the guitar. It caricatures everyday scenes such as a visit to a recycling center , the Oktoberfest , an over-30 party or scenes in a wellness hotel. According to her own statement, her inspiration is the environment of the Upper Bavarian rural population and personal experiences, especially from the area around her home town of Überacker. Schwarzmann has received several cabaret and cabaret awards.

Copyright dispute

At the beginning of 2019, a copyright dispute brought about by Schwarzmann about the sentence "I am sick of it, that i woas, that i know when i woin dad" made headlines. A clothing manufacturer from Lenggries in Bavaria had printed the sentence on its T-shirts. Schwarzmann sees himself as the creator of the sentence, while the defendant claims that the sentence is a common Bavarian idiom. In July 2019, the Regional Court of Munich I commissioned an expert for Bavarian dialect to provide a written expert opinion. In October 2019, both parties reached an agreement before the 33rd Civil Chamber of the Regional Court of Munich I, which specializes in trademark and copyright law, without the origin of the phrase having been clarified in court. The comparison stipulates that for every shirt sold with the imprint, 2 euros will be donated to the non-profit internet broadcaster Radio BUH , founded by Evi and Stefan Dettl .


Chart positions
Explanation of the data
Who is lucky comes!
  DE 66 04/08/2011 (1 week)
  DE 77 11/24/2017 (1 week)
  • From Diezl to Straps , CD, 2002
  • Weird Tones - Clear Words , CD, 2005
  • Deafs a bissal mehra be? , 2 CDs, 2006
  • Deafs a bissal mehra be? , DVD, 2007
  • Cabaret Sampler: 3rd Political Ash Wednesday , with Volker Pispers , Matthias Deutschmann , Arnulf Rating , Hagen Rether and Martina Schwarzmann, 2 CDs, 2007
  • So schee Kons Lebn , 2 CDs, 2008
  • So nice cons Lebn , DVD, 2010
  • Who is lucky comes! , 2 CDs, 2011
  • Who is lucky comes! , DVD, 2013
  • Gscheid Gfreid , 2 CDs, 2014
  • Songs & Poems For Falling Asleep And Waking Up, 2015
  • Exactly right , 2 CDs, 2017


Web links

Commons : Martina Schwarzmann  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Schwarzmann: “I'm more balanced when I perform” in an interview with Antonio Seidemann on on November 8, 2015
  2. VITA | Martina Schwarzmann | Cabaret artist. Retrieved August 2, 2019 .
  3. "Mir langts ...": Cabaret phrase busy court , Bavaria, May 28, 2019
  4. Petra Schneider: License to make speeches , Sü, July 29, 2019
  8. Chart sources: DE . Retrieved November 24, 2017.
  9. Kultur from November 30, 2012 , accessed on November 30, 2012
  10. "Bavarian language root" for Martina Schwarzmann - WELT. Retrieved August 14, 2017 .
  12. ↑ https://www.