Massimo Fagioli

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Massimo Fagioli, 2013

Massimo Fagioli (born May 19, 1931 in Monte Giberto , Marche , † February 13, 2017 in Rome ) was an Italian psychiatrist , screenwriter and film director . He last lived in Rome.


Fagioli, who worked as a courier for Italian partisans in the last years of his childhood, began to study medicine after finishing school. After studying in Pisa and Rome and training as a specialist in Reggio nell'Emilia , Fagioli worked at the psychiatric institutions in Venice and Padua , then head of the Italian-speaking therapeutic community at the Bellevue private clinic in Kreuzlingen , Switzerland , headed by Ludwig Binswanger . After returning to Rome in 1964, he trained as a psychoanalyst . From 2001 Fagioli was a lecturer in clinical psychology at the Università Gabriele d'Annunzio. From 2006 he wrote the Trasformazione section in the weekly Left .


In his first book, Istinto di morte e conoscenza (Death Instinct and Knowledge) , Faglioli drafted a novel overall concept for the treatment of mental illnesses that was hotly and controversially discussed in Italy, including in connection with the psychiatry movement in Italy in the 1970s. In 1976, because of these publications, he was expelled from the Italian Psychoanalytic Society. In the book, he described a psychological defense mechanism that he called disappearing fantasy. Furthermore, the degeneration of this instinctual reaction to the pathogenic annulment instinct was described and the "Teoria della nascita" (theory of human birth) formulated. In the following two volumes, Fagioli developed his observations further and came to a conception of the unconscious psyche and its stages of development that differs largely from that of the classical psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud . The volume Bambino donna e trasformazione dell'uomo deals in interview form with psychodynamic as well as with philosophical and political questions.

In 1976, supervision courses at La Sapienza University developed into the so-called Analisi collettiva (collective analysis) - free therapeutic large groups with participants who mostly came from the extra-parliamentary left in Italy. These meetings have been held in the Roman district of Trastevere since 1980 . A group of psychiatrists and psychologists participating in the so-called Seminari founded the journal for psychotherapy and psychiatry Il sogno della farfalla in 1992 .

Until well into the 1990s, the press comments were mainly about the relationship between Fagioli and his analysand, for example in 1986, when the film Devil in the Body by director Marco Bellocchio , on which Fagioli had worked, attracted international attention. Fagioli of the screenplay for another controversial film Bellocchio, comes The condemnation , the 1991 Silver Bear of the Berlinale received. Fagioli's own films are Il cielo della luna (1998) and La psichiatria, esiste? (2003).

In collaboration with young architects, Fagioli has developed a series of architectural projects since 1992, which were shown internationally in a touring exhibition organized by the Italian cultural institutes from 1996–1998. The multi-storey apartment building Palazzetto Bianco designed by him is one of the well-known examples of contemporary architecture in Rome.

Filmography (selection)

  • 1985: Devil in the Body (Il diavolo in corpo) (screenplay)
  • 1991: The Conviction (La condanna) (screenplay)
  • 1992: Il sogno delle farfalla (screenplay)
  • 1998: Il cielo della luna (director, screenplay, actor, editor, music, camera)



  • LA Armando: Storia della psicoanalisi in Italia dal 1971 al 1996 . Nuove Edizioni Romane, Rome 1997.
  • S. Vegetti Finzi: Storia della psicoanalisi 1895 - 1990. Autori, opere, teorie. Mondadori, Milan 1996.
  • G. Zincone: A Roma è scoppiato l'anti-Freud . Corriere della sera , March 12, 1978.
  • AA.VV. Il coraggio delle immagini. Progetti realizzati da un gruppo di architetti italiani su idee e disegni di Massimo Fagioli 1986 - 1995. Nuove Edizioni Romane, Rome, 1995.
  • Michel David: La psicoanalisi nella cultura italiana . Bollati Boringhieri, 1999.
  • G. Di Chiara (Ed.): Itinerari della psicoanalisi . Loescher Editore, 1982.
  • G. Lago: Orientamenti diagnostici in psichiatria e psicoterapia clinica . Edizioni Scientifiche Ma.Gi., 1994.
  • N. Lalli: Manuale di psichiatria e psicoterapia . Liguori Editore, 1999.
  • Various authors: Critica e storia dell'istituzione psicoanalitica . Pensiero Scientifico Editore, 1978.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Morto Massimo Fagioli. In: Archivio Flavio Beninati, February 21, 2017, accessed on February 28, 2017 (Italian).
  2. Morto Massimo Fagioli, psichiatra dell'analisi collettiva e guru della sinistra. In: Corriere della Sera , February 13, 2017, accessed February 14, 2017 (Italian).
  3. The Condemnation - trailer, review, pictures and information about the film . Prism, accessed February 13, 2017.
  4. ^ Il Palazzetto Bianco di Massimo Fagioli e Paola Rossi, mostra-dibattito . A diario quotidiano di Architettura (, June 21, 2007, accessed on February 13, 2017 (Italian).