Mast (technology)

The mast (v. Althochdt .: mast ) is a vertically standing pillar like , non-walk-through human structure . It can be constructed from a wide variety of materials. Its footprint is small compared to its height.
A mast is usually used to attach:
- Sailing (sail mast), the loading boom or the like, for example on ships . See: ship mast
- Flags ( flagpole )
- Antennas or as a self-radiating transmission mast , antenna mast or radio mast
- Airships - see: anchor mast
- Lighting , for street lighting , traffic lights or floodlights
- Advertising, signs and directional signs, e.g. B. as an overhead signpost on roads
- Power lines, see: Overhead line mast
- Ropes (suspension ropes, pull ropes, conveyor ropes, etc.), e.g. B. in aerial cableways as a cable car support for supporting or tensioning suspension ropes and hoisting ropes
Masts can differ considerably in terms of their dimensions and construction. So there are telephone poles often from a simple round wood - pile , high masts on the other hand consist of complex tower-like structures, eg. B. steel trusses or pipe-like constructions that are similar in construction to factory chimneys . The dimensions range from manageable posts only a few meters high, on which signs are attached, to elaborate structures that are among the tallest human structures overall.
Other subdivisions
- general: telephone mast , overhead line mast
- by function: Abspannmast , supporting mast , overhead line mast , Transposition Tower , mast separator , branch pylon , finishing period , distribution transformer
- according to the material from which the mast is made: wooden mast , concrete mast , tubular steel mast , lattice mast
- according to construction method: portal mast , one- level arrangement , Danube mast , Christmas tree mast , barrel mast
Differences between mast and tower
Frequently, masts are separated from towers by referring to free-standing structures as towers, and those tied with ropes as masts . However, this distinction is not always made in practice, because according to this definition, overhead line masts, since they are almost always designed as free-standing structures in Central Europe, would not be masts. There are also constructions that represent a mixture of free-standing tower and guyed mast ( hybrid tower ). The pre-standard DIN V 4131: 2008-09 “Antenna structures made of steel” defined in section 3.3 the tower with a free-standing, cantilever-bearing structure and the mast with a structure that is held by cables anchored to the ground or another structure at different heights . This prestandard was withdrawn in June 2011.
Broken mast
The mast can break due to mechanical overload or immediate destruction in the event of a collision. Material fatigue , corrosion or (in the case of wooden poles) weakening as a result of inadequate wood protection can be the cause or favor . The forces acting include wind pressure on the mast or attached parts, depending, for example, on the sail area on a ship's mast and the wind strength. In addition, gravitational forces act. Inertial forces arise on vehicles in particular , which result from their movements as a result of swell or terrain . Vibrations of the mast as a result of the forces acting on it can encourage mast breakage or cause a resonance catastrophe . Snow load or ice load (also with overhead lines and ropes) can also lead to overload.
There are two plural forms for mast , for which no meaning difference is given in the spelling dictionary; the "mast" form is rarer according to Duden. - The superset of masts can be differentiated into subsets of masts according to function, material and type of construction . There are only masts on a ship as the ship has already been selected from a collective of ships. Shipyards, on the other hand, specialize in ship masts. The distinction is now often ignored.
- Masts - distributive plural emphasizing diversity (unlimited whole made of identical parts)
- Masts - a collective plural that emphasizes the whole (a limited whole made up of identical parts) emphasizes the same type of function, material or construction.