Medardo Joseph Mazombwe

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Medardo Joseph Cardinal Mazombwe (born September 24, 1931 in Chundamira , Zambia , † August 29, 2013 in Lusaka ) was Archbishop of Lusaka . He was the first and so far only cardinal of Zambia.


After studying Catholic theology and philosophy , Mazombwe received the sacrament of ordination on September 4, 1960 . He taught at Saint Mary Seminary and Chadiza Secondary School. He held various positions in the Chipata diocese .

On November 11, 1970, Pope Paul VI appointed him . to the Bishop of Chipata. The episcopal ordination received his Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo on February 7, 1971; Co- consecrators were Bishop Emeritus of Chipata, Firmin Courtemanche MAfr , and Bishop of Monze , James Corboy SJ . From 1972 to 1975 and from 1988 to 1990 he was President of the Zambian Bishops 'Conference and from 1979 to 1986 President of the Association of Bishops' Conferences of East Africa .

Pope John Paul II appointed him Archbishop of Lusaka on November 30, 1996. He was also President of the Zambian Bishops' Conference from 1999 to 2002. On October 28, 2006, Pope Benedict XVI. his resignation request submitted for reasons of age.

In the solemn consistory of November 20, 2010, Pope Benedict XVI accepted him. as a cardinal priest with the titular church Sant'Emerenziana a Tor Fiorenza in the college of cardinals .

Medardo Joseph Mazombwe was President of the Bishops 'Conference of Zambia (1972–1975; 1988–1990; 1999–2002) and chairman of the regional conferences of the Association of Bishops' Conferences of East Africa (AMECEA) (1979–1986). In 1984 he founded the Catholic University of East Africa in Nairobi on behalf of AMECEA . He was a member of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples and the Pontifical Council “Cor Unum” in Rome .


  • Carmine Curci: Attento osservatore. Incontro con mons. Medardo Joseph Mazombwe . In: Nigrizia. Rivista mensile dei missionari comboniani , Vol. 124 (2006), No. 11, pp. 52-53 (Italian).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Cardinal Mazombwe passes away
  2. ^ Concistoro Ordinario Pubblico per la Creazione di ventiquattro nuovi Cardinali (Continuazione) , in: Press Office of the Holy See: Daily Bulletin of November 20, 2010.
predecessor Office successor
Firmin Courtemanche MAfr Bishop of Chipata
George Cosmas Zumaire Lungu
Telesphore George Mpundu Chairman of the Bishops' Conference of Zambia
Telesphore George Mpundu
James Odongo Chairman of the Bishops' Conference of East Africa
Dennis Harold De Jong
Dennis Harold De Jong Chairman of the Bishops' Conference of Zambia
James Spaita
Adrian Mung'andu Archbishop of Lusaka
Telesphore George Mpundu
Elias White Mutale Chairman of the Bishops' Conference of Zambia
James Corboy SJ