Measuring tower

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Measurement tower of the research center Karlsruhe , height: 200 meters
Measurement mast for environmental parameters near the Grafenrheinfeld nuclear power plant, height: 164 meters
Meteorological measuring mast at the Obrigheim nuclear power plant, height: 99 meters

A measuring tower is a free-standing tower or guyed mast that carries measuring instruments with meteorological instruments such as thermometers and wind speed meters . Measurement towers are an essential part of rocket launch sites, as you need to know the exact wind conditions in order to carry out a rocket launch. There are also measuring towers near some nuclear power plants . They are used here to monitor air radioactivity. Whether such a tower is necessary or not depends on official requirements.

There are also measuring towers for basic meteorological research. Often, however, suitable transmission masts or transmission towers are used for this, mostly for reasons of cost.

In addition to measuring towers that are equipped with meteorological measuring devices, there are also measuring towers for measuring the radiation diagram of antennas . Such towers are often designed as metal-free wooden structures to avoid interference with the radiation pattern, like the measuring towers at the antenna measuring station in Brück .

A unique research tower for nuclear measurements was the BREN Tower in Nevada.

In the wind energy industry, wind measurement masts are used to determine the wind speeds at different heights above the ground and to determine the real wind conditions over a certain period of time at the location before the construction of wind energy plants.

Examples of dedicated measuring towers

Measuring towers for meteorological applications
