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Mezőfalva coat of arms
Mezőfalva (Hungary)
Basic data
State : Hungary
Region : Central Transdanubia
County : Fejér
Small area until December 31, 2012 : Dunaújváros
District since 1.1.2013 : Dunaújváros
Coordinates : 46 ° 56 '  N , 18 ° 47'  E Coordinates: 46 ° 55 '44 "  N , 18 ° 47' 8"  E
Area : 80.42  km²
Residents : 4,699 (Jan 1, 2011)
Population density : 58 inhabitants per km²
Telephone code : (+36) 25
Postal code : 2422
KSH kódja: 17552
Structure and administration (status: 2018)
Community type : Large community
Mayor : Csaba László Márok (independent)
Postal address : Kinizsi Pál u. 44
2422 Mezőfalva
Website :
(Source: A Magyar Köztársaság helységnévkönyve 2011. január 1st at Központi statisztikai hivatal )

Mezőfalva (formerly Hercegfalva ) is a Hungarian large village in the county Dunaújváros in Fejér County .

Geographical location

Mezőfalva is a good 12 kilometers southwest of the city of Dunaújváros . Neighboring communities are Nagyvenyim , Nagykarácsony, Hantos and Kislók, a district of the city of Sárbogárd .


The place was formerly called Hercegfalva and was given the current name Mezőfalva in 1951.

Community partnerships


  • Antal-Dréta bust
  • Local history museum ( Tájház )
  • József nádor bust
  • Roman Catholic Church Magyarok Nagyasszonya , originally built in 1787 in Baroque style, badly damaged by an earthquake in 1911, 1937–1938 the church was given its present form
    • Statue of the Virgin Mary at the church ( Patrona Hungariae ), created in 1937 by István Rajki
  • Soviet Heroes Monument ( Szovjet hősi emlékmű )


Roads No. 6219 and No. 6228 intersect in Mezőfalva. In December 2009, passenger traffic was stopped at the train station south of the municipality. Since then, there has been a bus service from Dunaújváros via Mezőfalva to Simontornya as a replacement rail service .


Web links