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Book of the Twelve Prophets of the Tanakh Old Testament
Minor Prophets
Names after the ÖVBE

Micha ( Hebrew מִיכָה) was one of the first scriptural prophets in the Tanakh . His scripture named after him belongs to the Book of the Twelve Prophets .

Author and time

The Prophet Micah, by James Tissot , circa 1896–1902

Micha from Moreschet ( MichaEU , Jeremiah 26.18  EU ). In the Greek translation of the Bible ( Septuagint ) the form of the name is Michaias. This indicates that the name Micha should not be interpreted as a short form of Michael , but of Michaja ("Who is like YHWH ?").

He received his revelations according to Micah 1,1 during the reigns of the kings Jotam (757–736 BC), Ahaz (735–725 BC), and Hezekiah (725–697 BC) from Judah .

"His speech, which Micha the Moreschetiter happened in the days of Jotam, Achaz ', Chiskijas, kings of Yehuda, what he received about Samaria and Jerusalem ."

- Martin Buber , Franz Rosenzweig : Books of Annunciation, here Micha 1,1 EU

So he was a contemporary of Isaiah , Amos and Hosea . Moreschet (Micha 1,1 and Jeremiah 26,18  EU ) probably means the village near Gat in the Judean Shefala .

Verses 1, 1–8 EU may have been written before the destruction of Samaria by Sargon of Assur (722 BC), verses 1, 9–16 EU before the incursion of Sennacherib of Assur (701 BC)


Board with a quote from the book Micha am Marienbrunnen by Julius Seitz in Freiburg im Breisgau

Micha's accusations of social injustice and religious depravity revive the theme of Amos and that of his contemporaries . Although he was viewed as a prophet, he avoided this title because he wanted to distinguish himself strongly from professional prophets. His prophecies particularly lament the poor social position of the small farmers and citizens who were oppressed by the state and its bureaucratic apparatus in order to secure its livelihood.

In the book of Jeremiah it is testified that Micah's word was heard and that his message contributed to the reform of Hezekiah ( Jeremiah 26:18 ff.  EU ), and Micah’s prophecy and its effects are used as an argument to prevent Jeremiah from trying a similar prophecy is executed. Some scientists assume that the book Micha was edited at a later date, others assume that Micha wrote the book himself.


The linguistic similarity between Micah 4.1–3  ELB and Isaiah 2.2–4  ELB raises the question of who was quoting whom here. Experts have different views, with no clear answers on either side. Since the two prophets lived in close proximity to each other and prophesied at the same time, this similarity is understandable.

The prophecy in Micah 5,2  EU is seen partly as the one announced in Isaiah 7,14  EU :

"[...] You see, the virgin will conceive a child, she will give birth to a son and she will give him the name Immanuel (God with us)."

and the son of Isaiah who appeared in Isaiah 8,3  EU :

“Then I went to the prophetess and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. The Lord said to me: Give him the name Maher-Schalal-Hasch-Bas! "

Christian sources refer to Micah 5.2  EU to the birth of Jesus.


1st heading ( Mi 1.1  EU )

2nd court ( Wed 1.2  EU –3.12)
over Samaria and Jerusalem (1.2-16 EU )
over the greedy rich (2.1-11 EU )
promise of the Savior (2.12-13 EU )
court about violent princes, false prophets, priests addicted to profit (3.1-12 EU )

3. The future salvation ( Wed 4.1  EU –5.14)
The Lord's Mount in the Kingdom of Peace (4.1–8 EU )
Babylonian captivity and restoration (4.9–14 EU )
Coming of the Savior (5.1– 14 EU )

4. The Lord justifies with Israel ( Mi 6.1  EU –7.20)
God's demand (6.1–8 EU )
Sins of Jerusalem and God's punishment (6.9–16 EU )
Consequences of sin: Destruction of every community ( 7.1–6 EU )
Hope and God's help (7.7–17 EU )
Praise of God's mercy (7.18–20 EU )

Important places

  • Prophecy of the birth of the anointed one (Messiah) in Bethlehem:

1  And you, Bethlehem Efrata, who are little among the thousands in Judah, from you he shall come to me who is Lord of Israel, whose beginning has been from the beginning and from eternity. 2  Meanwhile he causes them to plague until the time that she who is to give birth has given birth. Then the rest of his brothers will come back to the Israelites. 3  But he will arise and they will feed them in the power of the Lord and in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God. And they will live safely; for he will be glorious at the same time to the ends of the earth. 4  And it will be peace. If Assyria falls into our land and breaks into our strong houses, we will set up seven shepherds and eight princes against it. "

- Micah 5: 1-4  LUT

"You have been told, man, what is good and what the Lord requires of you, namely to keep God's word and practice love and be humble before your God."

- Micah 6.8  LUT84

1 But  in the last days the mountain on which the Lord's house is will stand firm, higher than all mountains and above the hills. And the peoples will come running, 2  and many Gentiles will go and say, Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord and to the house of the God of Jacob , that he may teach us his ways and we may walk in his paths. For instruction will go out from Zion , and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem . 3  He will judge among great peoples, and will correct many nations in distant lands. They will turn their swords into plowshares and their skewers into sickles. No nation will lift up the sword against the other, and they will no longer learn to wage war. 4  Everyone will dwell under his vine and his fig tree, and no one will frighten them. For the mouth of the Lord of hosts has spoken. "

- Micah 4.1 to 4  LUT84
  • Reference to the chiliastic text interpretation of the 18th century
Micah 4,8: ​​"Your golden rose will come." The text of Micah 4 verse 8 has been changed in the current Bible translations as a result of historical-critical research. Micah 4,8 in the Luther Bible from 1534:

"And you thurm Eder / a festival of the daughter of Zion / Your golden rose will come / the previous one / the kingdom of the daughter of Jerusalem."

Martin Luther wrote the following statement next to the text:

"(Gülden Rose) Your kingdom / if you want to go / it should and must come / hold on tight and suffer / it must give the creutz the churches of Christ."

Micah 4,8  LUT in the revised Luther translation of 1984, which was adopted unchanged in the 2017 version:

"And you, tower of the flock, you feast of the daughter of Zion, to you will come and return the former rule, the kingship of the daughter Jerusalem."

See also


Web links

Commons : Micha  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Books of Annunciation . 10th edition. Lambert Schneider, Gerlingen 1997, ISBN 3-7953-0943-3 (therein page 671).
  2. Christoph Schütz : Güldene Rose or a testimony to the truth of the golden age of the millennial and eternal kingdom of Jesus Christ, which is now so close, and the restoration of all things connected with it. , published in 2nd edition 1731. See the history of the impact: New Harmony (Indiana) #The churches of Harmony