Michail Alexandrowitsch Porai-Koschiz

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Mikhail Alexandrovich Porai-Koschiz ( Russian Михаил Александрович Порай-Кошиц ; born January 7 . Jul / 20th January  1918 greg. In Vyatka ; † 20th April 1994 in Moscow ) was a Russian chemist , Kristallograf and university teachers .


Porai-Koschiz graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry at the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute . After evacuating from besieged Leningrad to Kazan , he graduated from Kazan University in 1943.

After graduation, Porai-Koschiz worked as an aspirant with GB Boki in the Moscow Institute for General and Inorganic Chemistry (IONCh) of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR) . In 1948 he successfully defended his candidate dissertation on the X-ray structure investigation of potassium tetranitro palladate . In 1960 he successfully defended his doctoral thesis on X-ray structure studies of the complex compounds of divalent cobalt and nickel and became head of the crystallography laboratory. In 1961 he was appointed professor.

Porai-Koschiz and his group were leaders in the field of X-ray structure analysis in the USSR . The main areas of work were the stereochemistry and crystal chemistry of the coordination compounds . Fundamental studies on the stereochemistry of the complexes of the 3d transition metals of the 4th period and the rare earth metals were carried out . He was one of the first to investigate the structures of the oxo complexes of the d0-d2 metals and established the laws of their structure.

In addition to his work at the IONCh, Porai-Koschiz worked at the University of Moscow (MGU) and headed the Laboratory for Crystal Chemistry of the MGU's chemical faculty , founded in 1952, until 1974. He headed the Moscow Crystal Chemistry Seminar. He has written over 700 scientific publications including 5 monographs . His X-ray structure analysis (1951) and practical course in X-ray structure analysis have become central textbooks for all structural researchers. In 1974 he became advisor to the faculty and member of the Scientific Council of the MGU and a corresponding member of the AN-SSSR. He headed the Crystal Chemistry Section of the Scientific Council on Chemical Kinetics and Structure of the AN-SSSR. He was a member of the General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography . At the IV All-Russian Crystal Chemistry Conference in 1981 in Tver , the rose from the coat of arms of the Porai noble family was the conference badge .

In 1990 Porai-Koschiz gave up the management of the crystallography laboratory of the IONCh and became a consultant to the management of the IONCh.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Chemical Faculty of the MGU: член-корреспондент Порай-Кошиц Михаил Александрович (accessed March 17, 2017).
  2. MGU Yearbook: Порай-Кошиц Михаил Александрович (accessed on March 17, 2017).
  3. RAN: Порай-Кошиц Михаил Александрович (accessed March 17, 2017).