Monika Ebeling

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Monika Ebeling (* 1959 ) is a German social worker and former equal opportunities officer for the city of Goslar .


Monika Ebeling studied social work and social education . Among other things, she worked in drug help and social hospital services, completed additional training as a systemic family therapist and as a foster mother temporarily looked after nine children.

At a young age she became a member of the SPD . Inspired by feminist writings and works, as a young mother she founded women's groups and organized women's breakfasts. The management of a municipal kindergarten in Goslar was withdrawn from her at the end of 2011 at the request of the FDP parliamentary group due to media interest in her dismissal as equal opportunities officer. In April 2012 she took over the construction and management of a new kindergarten in Braunschweig . She also set up an emergency hotline for male victims of domestic violence, organizes dad picnics and a fathers café, and writes comments and articles on gender democracy on her website .

At the end of 2016, she left the party due to the existing political rift with the SPD.

Activity as equal opportunities officer

In 2008 Ebeling was elected by the city council as the equal opportunities officer of the city of Goslar. As a social pedagogue, she says her task is to advocate a “modern gender policy” that takes care of women, but also more and more of men's rights, as Federal Family Minister Kristina Schröder is calling for. Ebeling said that in the event of divorce, men would still be fundamentally disadvantaged, as would fathers of illegitimate children.

As part of a child protection week with the slogan “Violence against women and children does not come in the bag”, Ebeling protested to sponsors of the campaign against the fact that “men and fathers were only left as perpetrators”. In addition, it is not clear why women are included in a child protection week. Incidentally, she sees herself as "an equal opportunities officer who does not celebrate the increasing problems of male youth as a great success of a one-sided gender policy, but recognizes that there is a need for action here."

Opponents accused her of "lacking teamwork and criticism" - she mainly advocates the interests of men and neglects the advancement of women. A trusting cooperation with the contact persons for women's issues in Goslar is therefore no longer possible. In May 2011 the situation escalated and the SPD member Ebeling was removed from office after a "sometimes heated discussion" at the request of the left with votes from all parliamentary groups.


According to a report by Heinz-Georg Breuer in the Goslarschen Zeitung , the immediate reason for Ebeling's deselection was a link to the website on the official website of the city of Goslar. The Vaeternotruf page contained attacks against state organs and political parties that Breuer described as relevant under criminal and constitutional law. Among other things, the judges of the Federal Constitutional Court were accused of acting "entirely in the spirit of Mr. Hitler from Braunau" with regard to the custody policy and Federal German Chancellors from Adenauer to Merkel were placed in a row with the Nazi dictator because they were "fathers and Children massively curtailed and withheld their basic rights ”. Alexander Wendt claimed in a report in Focus magazine that a user on the father's emergency page had compared the Federal Republic with the Third Reich. In addition, according to Breuer, the homepage asked to vote for the “pirates” instead of the “block parties” - with which the city of Goslar indirectly carried out illegal campaigning via the link. Ebeling told the Goslarsche Zeitung that she herself had the connection removed after protests in a council meeting, but the newspaper reported that the city councilor Klaus Germer had arranged this. Germer had indicated that this was the second attempt to remove the link.

Ebeling explained that there is “emotional concern of the fathers and a high potential for anger”, and feminism also took extreme positions at the beginning. Germer, in turn, confirmed that "the administration [...] did not give a word of reproach against Ms. Ebeling" or her administration.

According to a report by Frank Drieschner in Die Zeit , Ebeling's deselection was the result of a campaign by Green City Councilor Doris Juranek. Juranek stated that Ebeling "failed because of her personality", but admitted that he had not made a personal impression of Ebeling. She had relied on the district manager of the Grote-Bichoel alliance, who in turn admitted that she had only “leafed through” one of Ebeling's annual reports on the focus of their work, but no longer knew which one. The Greens had previously declared in the city council that Ebeling wanted to "show and eliminate the discrimination against men - this is not our political will".

The sociologist Walter Hollstein compared the Ebeling case with that of the Zurich men's representative, Markus Theunert, and sees her report as "thoroughly paradigmatic : the established women's lobby defends its benefices by all means".

Political positions


Various media, including the Nürnberger Zeitung and Emma , reported that Ebeling was calling for women's shelters to be abolished . brand eins wrote about Ebeling's membership in the men's rights association Agens , which, among other things, calls for the abolition of women's shelters: "Perhaps that is why Ebeling himself began to represent the opinion that women's shelters should be abolished." Gudrun Hesse, the chairwoman of the women's shelter association Goslar said she found it “below the belt” that Monika Ebeling was campaigning for the abolition. In an interview with the Süddeutsche Zeitung , Ebeling denied such a claim and stated that Hesse was turning "the word in her mouth" around.

In 2011 Ebeling was a speaker at the second international anti-feminism meeting, where she reported on her experience as an equal opportunities officer. Until June 2011 she was a member of the men's rights organization Agens and received a lot of support from masculinist men's and fathers' associations, including the Swiss Interest Group Antifeminism (IGAF). In an interview asked that Agens was "not only critical", but propagated a "return to old roles" and that the makers of the anti-feminist congress in which she was participating wanted to "reverse emancipation" and scolded feminist "scarecrows" , replied Ebeling: “You know, there is also potential for aggression from women. Professor Gerhard Amendt, who appeared at the men's congress in Düsseldorf, needed police protection. Protest is legitimate everywhere - why not against feminism as well? ”On the occasion of her dismissal, she said, referring to the sentence in the SPD party program that anyone who wants human society must overcome male society:“ I am an SPD comrade and will remain one but have nothing to do with such an offensive sentence. "

In an article in a book by Eckhard Kuhla , press spokesman for the men's rights association Agens , Ebeling spoke out against more day care centers: “An ideology is now spreading again that wants to nationalize child rearing in order to break the power of a mother and a father . "

According to Ebeling, men suffered from their “training” and to blame for all of this was “ideological, male-hostile feminism”. In a lecture at the Nuremberg University of Applied Sciences , she stated: "Men have had a tough century and they are suffering from exploitation and discrimination." To substantiate her thesis that men are in a desperate state, she spoke about "man's depression." ", The" declining number of sperm cells ", the" shorter lifespan "and the use of the sexual enhancer Viagra. In response to criticism from other speakers that she did not provide well-founded evidence for her claims, she replied: "I am not a scientist, but have read a lot and draw from my many years of professional and life experience."

Walter Hollstein quotes Ebeling as saying:

“I criticize the fact that the women's networks are not ready to update their demands in terms of content and to incorporate social changes and existing scientific results [...] It is surprising that the spokesmen for such content are predominantly women networkers with a fundamentalist orientation. As a result of forty years of women's movement, they often sit in important positions and are decision-makers [...] One often cannot avoid these 'gender fighters'. In some places, this prevents them from actively slowing down good developments in gender equality policy. "

Political science classification

Hinrich Rosenbrock sees Ebeling in his master's thesis, The Anti-Feminist Men's Rights Movement , written on behalf of the Heinrich Böll Foundation . Mindsets, networks and online mobilization close to the anti-feminist men's rights movement , which is also evident from the fact that it cooperates with associations such as MANNdat and the anti-feminism interest group , was a member of the men's rights organization Agens until 2011 and was part of the second international anti-feminism meeting Switzerland spoke. She sees herself as a woman who has overcome “feminist indoctrination” without explaining what it should be. She opposes gender mainstreaming and political correctness and argues with questionable numbers, such as B. if it justifies the lower earnings of women , since they would work “on average around 12 hours per week” less. She claims the commitment to men as a kind of unique selling point, which was also the reason for her dismissal, although dealing with problems of boys and men in gender equality work has long been common. You refer to essentialist gender concepts and try to strengthen a male victim ideology.

In her discourse analysis study, social pedagogue Isolde Aigner found several anti-feminist thought patterns in Ebeling's interviews and articles in the magazine Focus . Feminism is associated with terms that exude aggressiveness, especially towards men. In a Focus article, Ebeling assigns feminism “the purple fighting fist” and describes feminists as “male enemies”. According to Ebeling, “male souls are starving under the feminist flag”. In addition, a supposed feminist supremacy is assumed, which Ebeling describes as a "secret [s] basic law of interpersonal relationships". Another thread of the discourse relates to the alleged "softening" of the man, for which the women's movement is to blame. Ebeling complains in this context of "enslaved, paralyzed men".


Ebeling sued the sociologist Hinrich Rosenbrock because he had assigned her to the Agens association in his investigation into the men's rights movement in August 2011 , from which she had already resigned in June. The lawsuit was unsuccessful, the judges ruled that Rosenbrock had worked with sufficient care. Ebeling also filed a lawsuit against the taz editor Simone Schmollack , who had reviewed a book that Ebeling had co-authored. Schmollack wrote in the review that Ebeling had “only advocated boys and men”. Ebeling denied this and demanded a correction and compensation for pain and suffering . The judges decided in favor of Schmollack on the grounds that this was "only" to be understood as irony, since the rest of the text was also written in an ironic tone.


  • The equality trap: I stood up as an equal opportunities officer for men and was fired , Verlag Herder, 2012, ISBN 978-3-451-33195-4 .
  • Preface to the book: Germany, your fathers ... - locked out and cashed in , Andreas Puderbach, Verlag winterwork, 2015, ISBN 978-3864688973 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Dirk Brämer, Harald Grimm: Quota for women: Ordained equal opportunities?  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , ZDF, May 29, 2013.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  2. Ebeling no longer director of the Jerstedter Kindergarten "Löwenzahn". Goslarsche Zeitung, December 16, 2011, accessed December 7, 2012 .
  3. Monika Ebeling: Bye Goslar! Gender Democracy, March 20, 2012, accessed December 7, 2012 .
  4. Anna Boos: Lots of space to play, run around and discover. Braunschweiger Zeitung, accessed on December 7, 2012 .
  5. Viviane Petrescu: Monika Ebeling on gender mainstreaming: “Men have scars too” , taz, May 17, 2011
  7. ^ Benjamin Schulz: Dismissal in Goslar: Cold put instead of equal , Der Spiegel, May 21, 2011
  8. Horst Kuhnes: Emancipation: Equal Opportunities Commissioner May Not Promote Men , Westdeutsche Zeitung, May 18, 2011
  9. ^ A b Heinz-Georg Breuer: City linked to dubious homepage ( memento from January 19, 2013 in the Internet Archive ). In: Goslarsche Zeitung , April 14, 2011
  10. a b c Hinrich Rosenbrock: The anti-feminist men's rights movement. Mindset, networks and online mobilization . Ed .: Heinrich Böll Foundation (=  writings of the Gunda Werner Institute . Volume 8 ). Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-86928-073-8 , pp. 50 f . ( Online [PDF; 2.4 MB ; accessed on January 1, 2018]).
  11. a b Alexander Wendt: Goslar: Falsche Frau, Falscher Platz , Focus, May 17, 2011
  12. ^ Frank Drieschner: Burning Witches , Die Zeit , May 30, 2011
  13. a b Walter Hollstein: Ein Herz für den Mann ( Memento of the original from December 8, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 363 kB), Neue Zürcher Zeitung, August 26, 2012 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  14. a b Angry protest against avowed anti-feminist . In: Nürnberger Zeitung , May 4, 2012.
  15. Monika Ebeling & the men: "Geknechtet" and "Verelendet" ( memento of the original from October 20, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . In: Emma , August 19, 2011. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  16. Die Provokateurin ( Memento of the original from February 10, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . In: brand eins , 08/2011. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  17. Thorsten Schmitz: Goslar: Dismissed Equal Opportunities Officer - Anti-Feminist on the Job , Süddeutsche Zeitung, May 31, 2011
  18. 100 men and a few women against the «feminist ideology» . In: Tagesanzeiger , June 25, 2011.
  19. Simone Schmollack: “She misunderstood her position” . In: Taz , May 24, 2011.
  20. ^ Wiebke Schwarze: Anti-feminists advertise with Monika Ebeling . In: Braunschweiger Zeitung , May 19, 2011.
  21. Fight against "Bitterfotzen" . In: Die Standard, May 24, 2011.
  22. "Here angry women, there exhausted men" . In: Der Tagesspiegel, June 24, 2011.
  23. Sebastian Sowa: Goslar Council calls equality officer Ebeling ( memento from January 12, 2016 in the Internet Archive ), Goslarsche Zeitung (film)
  24. Simone Schmollack: Men among themselves . In: Deutschlandradio , December 11, 2011.
  25. Isolde Aigner: "Shrunken men" in the "purple empire" - anti-feminist thought patterns in media discourse. In: Andreas Kemper (ed.): The masculists . Unrast Verlag, Münster 2012, ISBN 978-3-89771-523-3 , pp. 46-57.
  26. a b Heide Oestreich: Men's rights activists on the crusade: tough guys . In: the daily newspaper , July 10, 2013.