Murder in Rio

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Original title Murder in Rio
Murder in Rio Logo 001.svg
Country of production Federal Republic of Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1963
length 96 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Horst Hächler
script Robert Larsen ,
Gerhard Overhoff
production Ernst von Theumer senior
music Lothar Nakat
camera Kurt Hasse
cut Werner Preuss

Mord in Rio is a German crime film from 1963 by Horst Hächler .


Rio de Janeiro in the early 1960s. Barbara Leen is the owner of a company that specializes in the export of Brazilian coffee. Little did she know that her company is being used by unscrupulous gangsters to secretly smuggle diamonds abroad. Behind the smuggling is a certain Leila, who runs a variety bar, and her lover Dumont. When it comes to the first murder of the gangsters, the police begin to investigate. Barbara's friend, the American journalist Peter Jordan, also began to be interested in the case and ran into some inconsistencies.

As a result of his research, he is quickly targeted by the gangsters and is soon no longer safe of his life. The gang becomes more and more brutal in its means, and more people are killed - shot, stabbed from behind with throwing knives or thrown from the skyscraper. Jordan soon discovers that the smugglers' headquarters must be Leila's Bar. From now on he is under massive threat. Eventually, Peter falls into the hands of the gang, but after a daring attempt at rescue he is able to get back to safety. With the help of the Brazilian police, the gang is finally picked up.


The film was partly shot on location in Rio de Janeiro and passed the FSK exam on November 12, 1963. The premiere took place on November 29, 1963. Because of its location, Murder in Rio was also shown in Brazil; there the strip was called " Noites Quentes de Copacabana ". The film was shown for the first time on television ( ARD ) late in the evening on July 21, 1973 .

The main actors Erika Remberg and Gustavo Rojo were married to each other at this time.


“Diamond smuggling in coffee sacks, sex and lots of corpses create mediocre tension if you don't take the logic too seriously. The main actors Helmut Lange and Erika Remberg are left alive for the happy ending. "

- Hamburger Abendblatt , June 27, 1964

"An untalented thriller with wooden actors."

"08/15 thriller with an exotic touch."

- Kay Less : The film's great lexicon of people . The actors, directors, cameramen, producers, composers, screenwriters, film architects, outfitters, costume designers, editors, sound engineers, make-up artists and special effects designers of the 20th century. Volume 3: F - H. Barry Fitzgerald - Ernst Hofbauer. Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-89602-340-3 , p. 469.

"Just as tough as untalented."

- Films 1962/64. P. 118

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 96 minutes for cinema projection (24 images / second), 92 minutes for television playback (25 images / second), film length: 2626 meters
  2. The opening credits name Robert Larsen, other sources name Peter, Richard or Rupert Larsen
  3. Murder in Rio. In: Hamburger Abendblatt , June 27, 1964, accessed on October 13, 2016 .
  4. Murder in Rio. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed October 13, 2016 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used