Museum harbor Flensburg

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View of the museum harbor from the museum shipyard (2007)
View of the entire museum harbor with the museum shipyard behind it and the wider area from above (2016)
The museum harbor from the side (2011)

The Museum Harbor Flensburg is in close proximity to the Maritime Museum and the Flensburg Museum Shipyard in the Flensburg city center at the Flensburg harbor and is part of the city's historic harbor . The grounds of the museum harbor consists of the jetty , the Bohlwerk , the guard shack located on it, the reconstruction of the historic Flensburg Harbor crane 1726 for setting or pulling masts and spars and the port for open fishing boats , the Lüttfischerhafen .

Objective of the association

The "Museumshafen Flensburg eV" is a private initiative and was founded as a non-profit association in 1979 in the Gasthaus Schwarzer Walfisch with the aim of "restoring and maintaining traditional sailing ships and other historical watercraft ". This large area is limited to the sailing professional vehicles of the area and coastal travel, i. H. small cargo sailors, fishing vessels and service vehicles such as customs, pilot and rescue cutters. The Harbor Museum wants traditionally in the Baltic Sea , in Belts and sins, in the Kattegat and Skagerrak -based ship types receive and present to the public. The overriding aim of the museum is to give expression to the great shipping history of the city of Flensburg and at the same time to make a contribution to the quality of life in the heart of this city.

In addition to the preservation of historical sailing ships as floating and living monuments, there is also the care of seamanship and the lively handling of old shipping culture in craft and art.

Museum ships

About twenty ships are on display. Among them is the shark cutter Dagmar Aaen , with the Arved Fuchs 2002, the Northeast Passage sailed. The passenger steamship Alexandra , built in 1908, is located in the immediate vicinity of the museum harbor, but is not a direct part of the museum, but belongs to the historical harbor .

Maritime festivals

Panorama Flensburg Rum Regatta 2008

The Museumshafen Flensburg organizes various maritime festivals:

  • Rum regatta (the weekend after Ascension ): The largest meeting of traditional former working sailing ships in Northern Europe.
  • Apple ride (on the last holiday weekend in Schleswig-Holstein ): Shared ride all the ships of the museum harbor after Glücksburg around there, as in earlier times, apples to then on to load the cargo, Bohlwerk to sell off of the museum harbor (Sale =).
  • Grogtörn (December 26th): Joint trip of museum ships and other boats and sailing yachts still in the water
  • New Year's Eve (December 30th - January 1st): Common voyage of many traditional sailing ships from various museum harbors (Flensburg, Kappeln , Kiel , Lübeck ) to Ærøskøbing on the Danish island of Ærø .


Web links

Commons : Museumshafen Flensburg  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 54 ° 47 ′ 37 "  N , 9 ° 26 ′ 2"  E