NPO Radio 2

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Infobox radio tower icon
NPO Radio 2
Station logo
Radio station ( public law )
reception analog terrestrial , cable , DAB
Reception area Netherlands
Start of transmission 1947
Broadcaster Nederlandse Publieke Omroep
Intendant Henk Hagoort
Program director Kees Toering
List of radio stations

NPO Radio 2 (until August 19, 2014 Radio 2 ) is a national radio station of the Dutch public service broadcaster ( Nederlandse Publieke Omroep ).

Logo until August 19, 2014


NPO Radio 2 emerged in 1985 from the former station Hilversum 1, which had already started broadcasting in 1947. The target group of the radio station is primarily the 40 to 54 age group. In addition to music from the 1970s and 1980s, evergreens from the 1960s are also played. In addition, NPO Radio 2 broadcasts various programs as part of themed weeks. The theme week Radio 2 Top 2000 is particularly popular , in which since 1999 the two thousand best-known music titles of all time have been played between Christmas and New Year . Since August 19, 2014, the station has had the addition of NPO in its name.

Web links

Commons : Radio 2 (Netherlands)  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b For this information, see the website of NPO Radio 2 on Facebook at (accessed on January 4, 2012)