Nicolò di Pietro

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Nicolò di Pietro: Madonna with Child and Angels and with the Donor Vulciano Belgarzone ( Madonna Belgarzone ), 1394,
Accademia , Venice

Nicolò di Pietro or Nicolo Paradisi (also Niccolò di Pietro Veneziano , Nicolaus Paradixi de Veneciis , Nicolaus Pictor u a. .; detected in Venice 1394-1427) was an Italian painter of the late Gothic period from the Venetian school .


In art history there has been a certain amount of confusion about Nicolò di Pietro since the beginning of the 19th century, triggered by Giovan Maria Sasso, who considered him to be identical to Nicoletto Semitecolo . He should not be confused with the Tuscan painter Nicolò di Pietro Gerini (active from 1365–1415?).

Nicolò came from a painter dynasty: his father Pietro (" Petrus Nicolai pictor de contrada Sancte Marine ") was also a painter and a half-brother of the famous Lorenzo Veneziano . In addition, some authors suspect that Nicolò was a pupil of Giovanni da Bologna, due to stylistic considerations and because he bequeathed a small inheritance to a " Nicolao suo disipulo " in his will from 1389 - whether it was Nicolò di Pietro, however, is not certain.

Nicolò took over the family workshop in Venice in the municipality of Santa Marina on the Paradise Bridge (" chapite pontis paradixi ") and also received orders from places on the Italian mainland, including Verona and probably Mantua and Pesaro .

Temptation of St. Benedict in the wasteland of Subiaco (detail), ca.1415-20, Museo Poldi Pezzoli , Milan

His first signed and dated work is a Madonna with Child and Donor , which he painted in 1394 on behalf of Vulciano Belgarzone for the Church of San Platone in Zara (today: Accademia , Venice). It is signed “ Nicolaus filius magistri Petri pictoris… qui moratur in chapite pontis paradixi ”.

In 1404 he created a crucifix for the Augustinian convent in Verucchio near Forlì (today: parish church, Verrucchio) together with the wood carver Catarino di Andrea Moranzone . On June 12, 1405 he appears (" Nicolaus filius Petri pictoris ") as a witness in a will of Margherita, widow of Bartolomeo Fustagnari.

In 1408 Nicolò was commissioned by the merchant Francesco Amadi from Lucca for an altarpiece that was intended as a counterpart to an altar by Gentile da Fabriano . Nicolò's scenes from the legend of St. Benedict for the Benedictine monastery in Polirone near Mantua are influenced by Gentile da Fabriano and are now in various museums ( Uffizi , Florence; Museo Poldi Pezzoli , Milan).

Between July 1414 and March 1416 he created a now lost procession picture for the Scuola Grande della Misericordia and in 1419 he was present in the Fondaco dei Tedeschi as a witness to an act of the Confraternita dei “ligatori”.

His last works include the frescoes of the Evangelists in the apse of SS Maria e Donato in Murano and the cardboard boxes for the carpet series on the Passion of Christ for St. Mark's Basilica (Tesoro, San Marco).

The exact date of Nicolò di Pietro's death is unknown, but it is known that he died before 1427. He had at least two children, a son Marco (" paradixi filius quondam Nicolai pictoris ") and a daughter Antonia (" filia de Nicholay militis pictoris ").

His students included the Maestro della Madonna del Parto, the Maestro del Dossale Correr and probably Michele Giambono .


Nicolò di Pietro is one of the most important and original Venetian painters of his time. His style has a very distinctive, recognizable profile with figures that appear folk, and he can be considered an innovator. In his work he combines influences from Venice and the Italian mainland (Giovanni da Bologna) with those of the international Gothic from Bohemia and the Rhineland . From around 1408 onwards, Gentile da Fabriano also had an influence .


List of works

St. Lawrence , Accademia, Venice

Only a few works by Nicolò di Pietro are dated. The following list does not claim to be exhaustive; it is arranged approximately chronologically according to stylistic considerations.

  • Madonna with Child and Donor , 1394, Accademia , Venice
  • Arrival of the Magi ( Arrivo dei Magi ), Accademia, Venice
  • Madonna dell'Umiltà , private collection
  • Coronation of the Virgin , Galleria nazionale d'arte antica ( Palazzo Barberini ), Rome
  • The twelve apostles , Galleria nazionale d'arte antica ( Palazzo Corsini ), Rome.
  • Polyptych, consisting of:
    • Madonna and Child , Fogg Art Museum , Cambridge
    • St. Louis of Toulouse and St. Nicholas , Collezione Cini
    • St John the Baptist and St Peter , on auction at Sotheby’s , London (October 31, 1990)
  • Crucifix , 1404, (originally for Augustinian convent) parish church, Verucchio (together with Catarino di Andrea Moranzone)
  • Madonna between two saints , Accademia, Venice
  • St. Augustine , (once the Pietro Corsini collection, New York) in 1989 auctioned at Sotheby's, Munich
  • Coronation of the Virgin Mary , Pinacoteca dell'Accademia dei Concordi, Rovigo
  • Coronation of Mary , Pinacoteca di Brera , Milan
  • Madonna dell'Umiltà , Szépművészeti Múzeum , Budapest
  • Birth and Wedding of the Virgin Mary , Museo del Cenedese, Vittorio Veneto
  • Polyptych (originally for Sant 'Agostino, Pesaro) distributed in various museums: Pinacoteca civica, Pesaro ( St. Paul, Peter, Laurentius and Nicola da Tolentino ) and Institute of Arts, Detroit ( John the Baptist )
  • Legend of St. Benedict (originally for the Benedictine monastery Polirone, Mantua) in various museums: Uffizi, Florence and Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan
  • St. Lawrence , Accademia, Venice
  • St. Ursula with her companions , Metropolitan Museum , New York
  • Blessing Christ , private collection
  • four evangelists , frescoes in the apse of Santi Maria e Donato, Murano
  • Drafts for the Passion of Christ carpet series , Cathedral Treasure of San Marco , Venice


  • Nicolò di Pietro , in: Lexikon der Kunst , Vol. 8, Karl Müller Verlag, Erlangen, 1994, p. 342
  • Cristina Guarnieri, Andrea de Marchi: Lorenzo di Niccolò called Lorenzo Veneziano: Saint John the Baptist , Altomani & Sons, Maastricht, 2016, p. 13, online as a Google Book (bilingual: English, Italian; viewed May 5, 2020)
  • Irene Samassa: Nicolò (Niccolò) di Pietro , in: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani , Volume 78, 2013, online in Treccani (Italian; viewed March 28, 2020)

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Nicolò di Pietro (also Nicolò Paradisi) , in: Lexikon der Kunst , Vol. 8, Karl Müller Verlag, Erlangen, 1994, p. 342
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q Irene Samassa: Nicolò (Niccolò) di Pietro , in: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani , Volume 78, 2013, online on Treccani (Italian; seen on 28. March 2020)
  3. Niccolò di Pietro Gerini , short biography on the website of the National Gallery , London (English; viewed May 5, 2020)
  4. a b Cristina Guarnieri, Andrea de Marchi: Lorenzo di Niccolò called Lorenzo Veneziano: Saint John the Baptist , Altomani & Sons, Maastricht, 2016, p. 13, online as a Google Book (bilingual: English, Italian; seen on 5. May 2020)
  5. Berthold Haendtke: The Franco-Dutch influence on Italian art from approx. 1250 to approx. 1500 ... , Karl Koetschau (Ed.): Repertorium für Kunstwissenschaft , Volume 38, Georg Reier, Berlin, 1916 (new edition: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 1968/2018), p. 67, online as a Google Book (viewed on May 5, 2020)

Web links

Commons : Nicolò di Pietro  - Collection of images, videos and audio files