Publishing house Nicole Schmenk

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Publishing house Nicole Schmenk
founding   February 2011
Seat   Oberhausen
publisher   Nicole Schmenk
Publisher number   978-3-943022
genus   Non-fiction , scientific literature , children's and youth literature
As of December 20, 2014 Template: Infobox Publishing / Maintenance / Status 2014

The publisher Nicole Schmenk is a book publisher in Oberhausen , which refers to Heavy Metal , literature from NRW , Fantasy and History has specialized. The publishing house was founded in 2011 by Nicole Schmenk.


Holger Schmenk , husband of the publisher's founder Nicole Schmenk, already had the book project Kumpels in Kutten. Heavy metal initiated in the Ruhr area , published by Henselowsky und Boschmann. Nicole Schmenk, who had already worked on various book projects during her university studies, decided to take over the publishing work herself and founded the publishing house in February 2011. The first release was The Phenomenon Heavy Metal: A scene portrait of Christoph Lücker , former tour bassist of Paul Di'Anno , followed by Immortal , the band biography of Subway to Sally . Furthermore biographies of JBO , Tankard , Nirvana , Die Apokalyptischen Reiter , George Harrison , Peter Steele and Scott Ian as well as the company history of the heavy metal label Century Media have been published .

In addition to books with a focus on heavy metal, the publisher publishes textbooks from the field of history and didactics as well as the works of Heinz Georg Schmenk and children's and youth literature by Mira Keiner , Christian Krumm and Volker W. Degener . The books are mainly sold through its own online shop, wholesalers such as Libri or Könemann, and online booksellers such as Amazon and . Schmenk generally rejects the publication of the same as an e-book .

Web links

supporting documents

  1. Holger Schmenk and Christian Krumm: buddies in kutten. Heavy metal in the Ruhr area. Retrieved October 9, 2019 .
  2. ^ Holger Stratmann: Verlag Nicole Schmenk: Science and Metal . In: Rock Hard . No. 331 , December 2014, p. 46 f .
  3. Sabine Schwietert: Interview with the publisher's founder Nicole Schmenk. In: Börsenblatt . August 9, 2011, accessed December 20, 2014 .
  4. ^ Michael Nicolas: Books from Oberhausen for heavy metals. In: Neue Ruhr Zeitung . June 14, 2014, accessed December 20, 2014 .