Nina Adlon

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Nina Adlon , née Berten (born December 28, 1972 in Düsseldorf ), is a German - Austrian opera singer ( soprano ), film actress and voice coach.


Nina Adlon's wish was to become a Wagner singer from an early age, and so she began her musical training at the age of twelve. She completed young studies in piano and singing at the Folkwang University in Essen and the Moscow State P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory .

She continued her studies at the Robert Schumann University of Applied Sciences in Düsseldorf and the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz , graduating with distinction in singing and a diploma ( Mag. ) As a singing teacher.

On the recommendation of Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau , one of her singing professors, August Everding and Christian Thielemann engaged Adlon as Pamina in Mozart'sMagic Flute ” in Berlin . This engagement was followed by other engagements, for example at the Staatstheater Wiesbaden , the Bonn Opera , the Salzburg State Theater , the Salzburg Festival , the Opéra de Monaco , the Auditorio Nacional de Música in Madrid , the Konzerthaus Berlin , the Wiener Musikverein or the Wiener Konzerthaus . She was also hired for radio and television recordings for Südwestrundfunk , Arte and ORF .

In the 2010 movie Mahler on the Couch , which was also nominated for the “ Oscar ” film award, she played the role of Anna von Mildenburg .

Nina Adlon's broad repertoire ranges from Mozart, Schubert , Schumann , Brahms , Strauss , Wagner , Britten , Messiaen to Berg .

Nina Adlon supports young up-and-coming artists, teaches and supports them. She has been a member of the jury for the “Fanny Mendelssohn Sponsorship Prize” in Hamburg since September 2018.

In the humanitarian field, she is involved in various charitable institutions and organizations around the world for children in need and has been consul in the “Network of Helping” of the Vienna Red Cross since 2018 .

The mother of six lives with her husband, the director and screenwriter Felix Adlon , and with three of her children in Vienna .

Repertoire (selection)

Honourings and prices

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. "Konsulin / Konsul - Netzwerk des Helfens" on the website of the Vienna Red Cross , accessed on January 5, 2019
  2. Biography of the artists of the Vienna Red Cross Ball 2018