Noureddine Rifaï

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Noureddine Rifaï ( Arabic نور الدين الرفاعي, DMG Nūr ad-Dīn ar-Rifāʿī , * 1899 ; † after 1975) was a military man and politician in Lebanon . He was the head of a military government .

The Sunni Muslim and retired General Rifaï was commissioned by President Soleimane Frangié on May 23, 1975 to form a government in response to the outbreak of the Lebanese civil war . However, this was viewed by the political opponents as a hostile act, since the formation of a government deviated from the traditional practice of distributing posts. This government of military personnel should not be able to bring the country under control and restore the old stability. After massive protests by the Zuʿamaʿ , Noureddine Rifaï resigned after only one week in office - on July 1, 1975.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ David Grafton: The Christians of Lebanon: Political Rights in Islamic Law . IBTauris, 2003, p. 138 .
  2. Lebanon., accessed July 4, 2013 .