Hussein al-Oweini

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Hussein al-Oweini ( French Hussein Oueini ; Arabic حسين العويني, DMG Ḥusain al-ʿUwainī ; * 1900 ; † 1971 ) was a Lebanese politician .


Oweini began his business career as a young man with connections to Palestine, Egypt, the Hejaz and Saudi Arabia. In 1937 he returned to Beirut and founded BLOM Bank, the country's first private commercial bank.

In 1947 he was elected representative of the Sunnis and in the years that followed he served in various positions in the Lebanese government. Under the presidency of Béchara el-Khoury he was finance and post minister, under Fuad Schihab foreign and justice minister and under Charles Helou economic, foreign, defense and justice minister.

In 1951 and in 1964/65 he was Prime Minister of Lebanon.
