Olaf Hansen

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Olaf Hansen (born April 11, 1902 in Saint Petersburg , † January 10, 1969 in Kiel ) was a German - Russian Iranist and Indo-Europeanist .

Live and act

Olaf Hansen was born as the son of GOA Hansen and Marie Hansen. Rödder was born. His father was at the time the chief librarian of the Imperial Academy of Sciences . As a result of the revolution , the family fled from Russia to Hamburg in 1919 after a long stay in the Baltic States . In 1923 Olaf Hansen passed his Abitur in Hamburg-Blankenese .

Hansen studied Iranian and Central Asian philology. In 1927 he received his doctorate in Hamburg under Hans Reichelt with a thesis on a Sogdian Buddhist Dhyana manuscript. Before 1931 he had become a member of the DMG . From 1933 to 1934 he stayed in India on a research grant . From 1934 to 1937 he was busy processing the papyri in the papyrus collection of the Berlin State Museums . In 1937 he completed his habilitation at the University of Berlin and then worked there as a private lecturer from the winter semester 1937/38 to the winter semester 1944/45. In addition, he worked as a freelancer for the Oriental Commission of the Prussian Academy of Sciences . In 1940 Hansen became a member of the NSDAP (membership no. 8.013.106). In the early 1940s he belonged with Annemarie von Gabain and Gerhard von Mende to a group of scientific advisors for the SS study of peoples, ethnic groups and tribes on the former territory of the Soviet Union. History, distribution, race, creed (published by the Reichsführer, Race Office and the Institute for Border and Foreign Studies ). The aim of this study should be the basis for a “popular reorganization”, “one of the most serious and first problems in the reorganization of the Eastern area ” (cf. General Plan Ost ), “without which the Bolshevik remnants can never be eliminated”; the "majority of the people's communities" were certified to "also pass the prerequisites for achieving a truly popular level of development due to their inadequate racial heritage". “They seem to be determined by fate, after intensive contact with modern civilization, to die out biologically, to be dissolved or to be melted down into real peoples.” Hansen did military service and was taken prisoner of war.

In 1945 he was a lecturer in Russian in Jena . From 1947 to 1949 he was a research assistant at the German Academy of Sciences . In 1949 he received a teaching position for Indo-European studies at the Free University of Berlin . In 1950 he became associate professor of Indo-Iranian philology and director of the Indo-Iranian department of the Indo-European seminary. In 1951 he became a member of the Oriental Commission of the Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz . In 1963 he became a full professor and head of the new seminar for Iranian philology at the Free University of Berlin. In 1964 he became a corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute . In 1968 he retired and became a visiting professor in Kiel.

Publications (selection)

  • Remnants of the Soghdic translation of a Dhyāna text (MS. Or. 8212 (85) of the British Museum); in transcription and with translation together with an index verborum. Hamburg 1928, also Hamburg, Phil. F., dissertation, 1927
  • To the Soghd inscription on the trilingual monument of Karabalgasum. Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura 1930
  • The Middle Persian papyri of the papyrus collection of the National Museums in Berlin. Berlin: de Gruyter 1938 (Treatises of the Prussian Academy of Sciences, born 1937, Phil. Hist. Kl. No. 9), print version of the habilitation thesis Mittelpersische Papyri: Brief content reproduction from 1936
  • Berlin Sogdian texts II. Fragments of the large collective manuscript C2. Verlag der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Maiin / Steiner in commission, Wiesbaden 1954 (= treatises of the Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur. Humanities and social sciences class. Born 1954, volume 15).
  • Middle Persian reader. Berlin: de Gruyter 1963


  • Helmhart Kanus-Credé: In memoriam Olaf Hansen . In: Iranian communications. Trials and preliminary work. Vol. 4, 1970, pp. 34-40.
  • Wolfgang Lentz : Olaf Hansen. In: Christina Albertina 8, 1969, pp. 90-91.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Helmhart Kanus-Credé: In memoriam Olaf Hansen . in: Iranian communications. Trials and preliminary work. Vol. 4, 1970, pp. 34-40.
  2. a b c Ludmila Hanisch: The successors of the exegetes. German-language exploration of the Middle East in the first half of the 20th century . Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2003, p. 189.
  3. ^ A b c d Ekkehard Ellinger: German Oriental Studies at the Time of National Socialism 1933–1945 . Deux-Mondes-Verlag, Edingen-Neckarhausen 2006, p. 487.
  4. Ekkehard Ellinger: German Oriental Studies at the Time of National Socialism 1933–1945 . Deux-Mondes-Verlag, Edingen-Neckarhausen 2006, p. 166.
  5. Ekkehard Ellinger: German Oriental Studies at the Time of National Socialism 1933–1945 . Deux-Mondes-Verlag, Edingen-Neckarhausen 2006, p. 39.
  6. This group also included Konrad Bittner , Karl Bouda , Dagobert Frey , Richard Meckelein, Günther Holtz, Albrecht Penck , Fritz Rörig , Wolfgang Seuberlich, Bruno Kurt Schultz , Micheil Zereteli , Max Vasmer , Erhard Wetzel and Eugen Wieber, see. Carsten Klingemann : The sociological folk theory of Max Hildebert Boehm and the National Socialist Germanization policy . In: Rainer Mackensen , Jürgen Reulecke , Josef Ehmer (eds.): Origins, types and consequences of the construct “population” before, during and after the “Third Reich” . VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2009, p. 356.
  7. Ekkehard Ellinger: German Oriental Studies at the Time of National Socialism 1933–1945 . Deux-Mondes-Verlag, Edingen-Neckarhausen 2006, p. 267.
  8. ^ Quotes from the Leipzig edition of 1942, pp. XVII and XII, quoted by Ekkehard Ellinger: Deutsche Orientalistik zur Zeit des Nationalozialismus 1933–1945 . Deux-Mondes-Verlag, Edingen-Neckarhausen 2006, p. 268.