Olivier Larronde

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Olivier Larronde (born March 2, 1927 in La Ciotat , † October 31, 1965 in Paris ) was a French poet .

life and work

Olivier Larronde was the son of Carlos Larronde († 1940) and Charlotte Fourcine. The father, descendant of a wine merchant family from Bordeaux , was a writer, journalist, radio play pioneer and poet. Olivier Larronde came from a family that came from the cultured bourgeoisie and was becoming more and more bohemian . He attended the Collège Notre-Dame de Bury run by the Marist Fathers , which he left after the death of his father and that of his younger sister, who was very close to him, when he was 15 years old.

In 1943 he went to Paris to first meet Jean Cocteau and then Jean Genet . Genet admired the young poet and in 1946 persuaded the publisher Marc Barbezat to publish his first collection of poems "Les Barricades Mystérieuses" (The mysterious barricades, based on the title of a harpsichord composition by François Couperin ). This publication, which aroused the interest of authors such as Michel Leiris and Raymond Queneau , enabled the young poet to enter the pages of the literary magazine Barbezats l'Arbalète (The Crossbow). Larronde frequented literary circles in Paris, in which few were indifferent to him. Mandiargues called his work "royally modern". He then led a life marked by bohemian and amateurism , together with his friend Jean-Pierre Lacloche. His second collection “Rien voilà l'ordre” (an anagram of his name) appeared in 1959, illustrated with 31 drawings by Alberto Giacometti .

Because of his epileptic seizures, he took refuge in opium and alcohol and in Parisian bars. He died in loneliness and misery after an epileptic fit on March 31, 1965 at the age of 38. His third and final book, L'Arbre à lettres (The Letters Tree), was published posthumously the next year. Often compared to Arthur Rimbaud , Larronde was considered by some, including Pontalis , to be the last of the famous line of "cursed poets". He was buried in the Samoreau cemetery in the Seine-et-Marne department , near the grave of Stéphane Mallarmé , an author he particularly admired.

Reception and honors

The first literary prize was awarded to him a few weeks after his death in 1965. There was a modest revival of interest in this work in the late 1980s, and the complete work was published in 2002.

In memory of Olivier Larronde , an avenue was inaugurated on July 5, 1985 in Saint-Leu-la-Forêt in the Val-d'Oise department , where the poet had spent most of his youth .

Quotes about Olivier Larronde:

  • Jean Cau (writer and secretary Sartres ): ... archange poète de l'après-guerre, couronné de génie, de grâce, de jeunesse, de folles insolences, d'incroyables culots, de beauté déchaînée. (the archangel among the poets of the post-war period, crowned by genius, grace, youth, foolish presumption, incredible impudence, unleashed beauty.)
  • Jean Cocteau : Il me semble difficile d'imaginer un meilleur exemple de ce dramatique porte-à-faux, de cette grâce qui expose celui qui la possède à la pire des solitudes. (A better example of this dramatic dilemma seems difficult to imagine, of this grace which exposes those who possess it to the worst solitude.)


  • "Rien voilà l'ordre", illustré de 31 dessins d'Alberto Giacometti, L'Arbalète / Barbezat, 1959
  • L'Arbre à lettres , éditions L'Arbalète, Décines, 1966
  • Les Barricades mystérieuses , L'Arbalète, Décines, 1990
  • L'ivraie en ordre: poèmes et textes retrouvés , text compilation by Jean-Pierre Lacloche in collaboration with Patrick Mauriès, Le Promeneur, Paris 2002
  • Œuvres poétiques complètes , Le Promeneur, Paris 2002


  • Diane Deriaz: La tête à l'envers. Souvenir d'une trapeziste chez les poètes . Ed. Albin Michel, 1988 ISBN 2-226-03327-0
  • Christopher Todd: Carlos Larronde (1888–1940) - Poête des ondes . l'Harmattan, Paris (et al.) 2007, 314 pp. ISBN 978-2-296-02818-0 , excerpts

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Quoted from Ferami, Joë: "Olivier Larronde ou l'archange poète" .
  2. The jury consisted of the eight writers Yves Berger , Michel Bernard, Guy Dumur, Dominique Fernandez , Jean-Edern Hallier , Alain Jouffroy, Olivier de Magny, Dominique de Roux and the filmmaker Jean-Luc Godard .
  3. ^ Magazine littéraire, ed. 279–283, 1990, p. 7.
  4. Ferami, Joë Olivier Larronde ou l'archange poète .