Orlando Olave Villanoba

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Orlando Olave Villanoba (born January 28, 1969 in Barrancabermeja , Colombia ) is a Colombian clergyman and Roman Catholic bishop of Tumaco .


Orlando Olave Villanoba studied Philosophy at the Seminary in Bucaramanga and Catholic Theology at the Seminary in San Gil . After further studies at the Instituto Teológico-Pastoral para América Latina (ITEPAL) and at the Pontifical University of the Salesians , he obtained a licentiate in the field of youth pastoral care . On December 5, 1998, he received the sacrament of ordination for the diocese of Barrancabermeja .

In addition to various tasks in parish pastoral care, he was coordinator of the youth pastoral care commission of the Barrancabermeja diocese and diocesan commissioner for catechesis. Since 2009 he has been pastor of the cathedral of the Barrancabermeja diocese and since 2013 the pastoral care officer.

On March 18, 2017, Pope Francis appointed him Bishop of Tumaco . The Apostolic Nuncio in Colombia, Archbishop Ettore Balestrero , donated him the episcopal ordination on April 29 of the same year. Co- consecrators were the Bishop of Barrancabermeja, Camilo Fernando Castrellón Pizano SDB , and the Archbishop of Bucaramanga , Ismael Rueda Sierra . The inauguration in the Diocese of Tumaco took place on May 20, 2017.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Nomina del Vescovo di Tumaco (Colombia). In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , March 18, 2017, accessed March 18, 2017 (Italian).
predecessor Office successor
Gustavo Girón Higuita OCD Bishop of Tumaco
since 2017