Oskar Scheuer

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Oskar Franz Scheuer (born December 1, 1876 in Znojmo , Moravia , † after October 28, 1941 in the Litzmannstadt ghetto ) was an Austrian dermatologist and student historian.


As the son of a Jewish second-hand dealer, Scheuer studied medicine at the University of Vienna from 1896 after attending the Znojmo high school . From October 7, 1896 to March 6, 1900 and in the summer semester of 1903 he was active in the (liberal) Viennese fraternity Fidelitas. It was founded on October 1, 1876 - the year Scheuer was born. Scheuer has proven itself on seven batches (xxx, Fx, xx, xxx, Fx, x, Fx). He remained closely associated with Fidelitas throughout his life. In 1900/1901 he studied at the Karl Ferdinand University , where he also joined the Alemannia fraternity in Prague (founded October 5, 1875). Both leagues joined the Burschenbunds-Convent after the First World War . In 1903 he received his doctorate .

As an aspirant, Scheuer began his dermatological training in 1903 at the Rudolfstift in Vienna. In 1908 he married Emmy Carolina Fraenkel, with whom he had two daughters. In 1906 he became a secondary doctor and in 1909 a department and assistant doctor. In the same year he founded the German University . In 1910 he opened a doctor's practice for skin and venereal diseases in Vienna . He was a regimental doctor in the Landwehr. He was a member of the Society of Doctors in Vienna and the German Society for Urology . On his 50th birthday, Karl Hans Strobl dedicated a poem with 71 lines to him: Oskar Scheuer for the 100th semester of his life . The "German University" dedicated an entire notebook to him. For the old gentlemen's committee of the Burschenbunds-Convent, patent attorney Dr. Ing. [Alfred] Friedmann as chairman and medical adviser Dr. [Richard] Friedländer as executive board member:

“The AGA des BC would like to extend its warmest congratulations to you, dear brother of the association, on behalf of the entire association on reaching the age of 50. We are indebted to you in many respects to great, lasting thanks, above all for your successful efforts to get the Austrian and Sudeten German fraternities into BC, for your selfless, self-sacrificing work in the interest of our association magazine "Deutsche Hochschule", which you founded, For faithfully advocating the goals of the BC We know that your time is consumed by professional and academic work in the fields of medicine and student history; we hope, however, that you will continue to work with the German University and the association. May you still be granted countless years of successful work in your previous physical and mental freshness with your family and friends. You, our association, science, the German fatherland for the benefit and piety! "

- The Old Men Committee of the Burschenbunds-Convents

With reference to his Greater German and liberal roots, he tried to reconcile the fraternity notion with Judaism and thus counteract the anti-Semitism (until 1945) of the German national movement in Austria . Even before the First World War he had reported his "withdrawal from the Mosaic faith" in Vienna. Regardless of this, he and his wife were arrested on October 28, 1941 in Vienna and taken to the Litzmannstadt ( Łódź ) ghetto . Nothing is known about his death.

Studentica and library

Scheuer collected Studentica and put on an extensive student history library . Impoverished after the annexation of Austria , he had to sell the collection. It became the foundation of the Institute for Student History in Vienna, founded in 1939. Under the letterhead library for university u. Student affairs Dr. OV Scheuer - Vienna III , Scheuer wrote a script in the 1930s on the holdings of his student collection that were probably never restored:

“The library contains a collection of over 30,000 volumes and, in addition to all relevant large works, also contains magazines, brochures, separate prints, magazine and newspaper articles, newspaper clippings, appeals, leaflets, etc., as far as they relate to the entire university and Students (universities, technical colleges, veterinary, agricultural and forestry colleges, mining academies, commercial colleges, art academies and research institutes) of the entire German-speaking area. There is also a rich selection of works, brochures, etc. from all universities in the world. Special mention should be made of the extensive collection on the history of the individual universities and the study of the individual sciences. Furthermore, the large number of biographies and autobiographies, memorabilia and letters from almost all German university professors and those men who have their university and college degrees. Have written student time. The collection - its list can be seen in the attached directory - was created, divided and expanded over a period of almost 40 years since 1896. It contains the relevant literature from the beginning of the 16th century to the present day in consistently good, mostly bound copies. There are also many Unica and Secreta, which are not available in bookshops. This library, described by experts as the only one of its kind, was published in 1926 (on the occasion of its 30th anniversary) both in the journal Deutsche Hochschule (Issue 12) and especially in the Jahrbuch deutscher Bibliophilen (12./13 . Jg., Amalthea-Verlag Zürich-Leipzig-Wien) published a comprehensive article adorned with pictures that honors the library. It should also be pointed out that the library is listed in the guide Die Wiener Bibliotheken (Vienna 1929) published by R. Teichl by the Vienna National Library as the only private special library for higher education and student affairs. "

- Oskar Scheuer

A large part of the student library of Ewald Horn (1856–1923) also flowed into the Scheuer library . Enthusiastic about Scheuer's collection, he made Scheuer his heir. Even before the deportation, a fully loaded railroad car had brought Scheuer's collection to Würzburg. She acquired the city, which is well-deserved for university studies, in July 1938 for 15,000 Reichsmarks . They were later attached to the Institute for Student History, which opened on Easter 1939. With materials confiscated from the student associations, which had already been disbanded at that time, they formed the basis of the Institute for Higher Education .




  • The syphilis of the innocent. Syphilis insontium. Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1910. GoogleBooks
  • Skin diseases of sexual origin in women. Urban & Schwarzenberg 1911. GoogleBooks
  • Pocket book for the treatment of skin diseases for general practitioners. Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1911. GoogleBooks
  • Drugs , in: Leo Schidrowitz (Ed.): Sittengeschichte des Vice [...]. Vienna and Leipzig 1927 (= moral history of the cultural world and its development in individual representations , 5), pp. 93–184.
  • with Felix Leopold Wangen: The lush woman: Sex life and erotic effects. Artistic and caricature representation of the fat woman from the beginning until today. Publishing house for cultural research . Vienna Leipzig 1928.
  • Sittengeschichte des shirts and pants , in: Leo Schidrowitz (Ed.): Sittengeschichte des Intimen [...]. Vienna and Leipzig n.d., pp. 121–218.
  • Human hair. A sexual and constitutional treatise. (= Monographs on women's studies and constitution research, no.17) Leipzig 1933, p. 13.

Student and University History

  • The historical development of the German student body in Austria with special consideration of the University of Vienna from its foundation to the present. Vienna 1910. GoogleBooks
  • The love life of the German student through the ages. A. Marcus & E. Webers Verlag, 1920.
  • Richard Wagner as a student . Vienna 1920.
  • Heinrich Heine as a student . Bonn 1922. GoogleBooks
  • Friedrich Nietzsche as a student . Bonn 1923.
  • Bibliography of the student housing issue . Goettingen 1923.
  • Theodor Körner as a student . Bonn 1924.
  • The Fidelitas fraternity in Vienna 1876–1926. GoogleBooks
  • with Otto Erich Ebert : Bibliographisches Jahrbuch für Deutschen Hochschulwesen , Vol. 1 (1912). GoogleBooks . - Reprint Nabu Press (2011), ISBN 978-1-24564055-8 .
  • Josef Viktor von Scheffel's student years . Prague 1926.
  • Fraternity and Jewish question. Racial anti-Semitism in the German student body . Berlin 1927. GoogleBooks
  • Equestrian sport in Germany's high schools . Goettingen 1927.
  • Studio on a rice '. From the travels of the German student through the ages . Goettingen 1928.
  • About the origin of academic freedom , in: Bruno Cassirer : Vom Studium und vom Studenten. An almanac . Academic Association for Literature and Music in Vienna 1910
  • Carrying arms in Germany's high schools . Turn and look. Kösener Jahrbuch 2 (1932), pp. 65-89.
  • F. Lassalle as a fraternity member .
  • The student Johann Peter Hebel in Erlangen .
  • The Viennese student in a novel .


  • Kürschner's German Scholars Calendar 1925–1935.
  • Helge Dvorak: Biographical Lexicon of the German Burschenschaft. Vol. II: Artist. Winter, Heidelberg 2018, ISBN 978-3-8253-6813-5 , pp. 606-607.
  • Harald Seewann : In memory of the student historian Dr. Oskar Scheuer. Once and Now, Yearbook of the Association for Corporate Student History Research, Vol. 33 (1988), pp. 239–242.
  • Scheuer, Oskar (Franz) . In: Walther Killy (Ed.): Dictionary of German Biography , Vol. 8, 2005, ISBN 978-3-11-186114-2 , p. 657.
  • Gregor Gatscher-Riedl : Vienna as an early center of university studies. The Jewish doctor, student historian and librarian Oskar Franz Scheuer (1876–1941) . Once and Now, Yearbook of the Association for Corps Student History Research, Vol. 65 (2020), pp. 11–32.
  • Scheuer, Oskar , in: Friedhelm Golücke : Author's lexicon for student and university history. SH-Verlag, Cologne 2004, ISBN 3-89498-130-X . Pp. 288-289.

Holocaust victims of the same name

  • Oskar Scheuer (born February 17, 1883, from Prague) [1]
  • Dr. Oskar Scheuer (born August 12, 1884 in Znaim) [2]

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b History of the fraternity (PDF; 132 kB)
  2. Proof in WorldCat
  3. ^ German University, XV. Volume, issue 12, Berlin Vienna, December 1926
  4. ÖBL
  5. Anna Staudacher (2004)
  6. ^ Archive for University Studies / Oskar Scheuer Institute for University Studies
  7. Seewann (1988), p. 241
  8. a b Seewann (1988), p. 242
  9. Directory of the old men of BC Berlin 1929.
  10. Stephanie Nestawal (2010)