Otto (first name)

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Otto is a male given name that was worn by many secular and ecclesiastical rulers. It also occurs as a family name .


The name is originally a short form of names that begin with Old High German  ot "possession, heritage", such as Otfried , Ottokar . Already in the early Middle Ages the name became independent, as did Bodo , Hugo and other abbreviations of the name. The term Ottos for a German dynasty is derived from the name of the first emperor of this generation, Otto I , from.

The expression “ normal consumer ” for the typical German average consumer goes back to the Berlin Ballad from 1948, a feature film by Robert Adolf Stemmle in which Gert Fröbe played the leading role as “normal consumer”. The word Otto is a palindrome in the strict sense. That is, it can be read from the back and the front and makes the same sense.


From the late nineteenth century to the mid-1910s, the name Otto was one of the ten most popular boys' first names. Then its popularity gradually declined, from the 1940s onwards even very significantly. It has hardly been awarded since the late 1950s.


Udo , Odo , Otello, Othello , Otfrid, Otfried, Ottfried , Ottilie (female), Othmar , Ottmar, Ottomar , Othon, Ottone , Ute (female)

The name Ulrich and its variants have the same root, from Udal- .

Among the derived family names are:

  • especially in Upper Bavaria and Tyrol as a popular variant of the belittling form of the old German emperor name: Öttl , Oettl , Ottl , Öttel , Ottel or Oettel .

name day

June 30th ( Otto von Bamberg )

Name bearer

List of rulers named Otto







  • Otto Kern (1914–2009), German textile entrepreneur, consul and association president
  • Otto Flimm (1929–2020), German entrepreneur and association president
  • Otto Lindner (1929–2020), German architect and entrepreneur

Fictional characters

See also

Wiktionary: Otto  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. Statistics on "Popular first names"