Otto Scherbeing

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Johann Otto Schorbening (born February 2, 1792 in Jodzahlen , † February 27, 1859 in Breslau ) was a Prussian major general and commander of the 23rd Infantry Brigade .



Otto was the son of the government commissioner and landowner to Klein-Königsbruch Scherbening and his wife, a born shopkeeper.

Military career

Scherbeing was initially a Junker in the Russian-Livonian Dragoon Regiment of the Russian Army . At the beginning of March 1813 he joined the 3rd East Prussian Infantry Regiment of the Prussian Army as a volunteer hunter and took part in the sieges of Magdeburg, Wittenberg, Grokum and Soissons as well as the battles near Luckau , Hoyerswerda, Wartenburg , Großbeeren , Leipzig and during the Wars of Liberation Laon part. For Dennewitz , Scherbeing was praised and awarded the Iron Cross, 2nd class. When he was promoted to second lieutenant on May 2, 1814, he joined the 1st Westphalian Landwehr Infantry Regiment and was promoted to prime lieutenant at the end of November 1814 . During the summer campaign in 1815 in the battle of Ligny he was hit with a piston on the chest.

After the war Scherbening was 1816 later in early September the 4th Infantry Regiment and a half years the first rifle battalion aggregated . He rose to captain at the end of March 1827 and was appointed company commander in the 26th Infantry Regiment on June 14, 1828 . On March 12, 1840, Scherening was promoted to major and, as such, took part in the suppression of the Baden Revolution in 1849 . On August 14, 1849, he was appointed commander of the 19th Infantry Regiment in Torgau . In this position Scherbeing rose to colonel by April 19, 1851 and was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Royal House Order of Hohenzollern on June 17, 1852 . With his promotion to major general on June 13, 1854, he became commander of the 23rd Infantry Brigade in Neisse . Because of his physical suffering Scherbening was on June 13, 1857 award of the Red Eagle II. Class with oak leaves and swords on rings with board for disposition made. He died in Breslau on February 27, 1859.


Scherbeing married Karoline Wilhelmine Friederike Fudäus (1795-1851) in Rastenburg on February 2, 1822 . After her death, he married Agnes Luise Wedlich, widowed Tietze (1817–1889), on May 22, 1853 in Breslau.


Individual evidence

  1. Wedding announcement. In: Deutsche Wehrzeitung. Volume 5, [1]