Otto Wirsching

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The Pollnhof near Dachau
Hamlet (1918)
The Bookworm (1919)

Otto Wirsching (born January 19, 1889 in Nuremberg ; died December 1, 1919 in Dachau ) was a German painter and wood cutter .


Otto Wirsching came from a Nuremberg pharmacist family. After high school he attended the Nuremberg School of Applied Arts . In 1907 he studied with Gabriel von Hackl at the Munich Art Academy and in 1910 he became a master student of Hugo von Habermann . In 1909 he made a foot trip to Italy and Corsica. In 1910 he traveled to Paris and in 1911 he made copies of the old masters in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence and the Prado in Madrid . His next tour took him in 1913 from Italy to Greece and via Constantinople back to Budapest , where he met the academic painter Aranka Kovács (1887–1965). The two married on July 1, 1914 and settled on the Pollnhof near Dachau, they had a son born in 1917. Wirsching had a heart defect and was therefore not drafted into the First World War.

In Dachau Wirsching turned to graphics and designed entire books for Walter Blumtritt's Dachauer Einhorn-Verlag . He created the portfolio Vom Totentanz in 1915 with ten woodcuts and in 1918 a portfolio on Hamlet .

Book illustrations (selection)

  • Angelus Silesius : The Cherubin Wanderer. Graphic Otto Wirsching. Einhorn-Verlag, Dachau 1922.
  • Friedrich Naumann : Faith and Hope. Graphic Otto Wirsching. Einhorn-Verlag, Dachau 1920.
  • William Shakespeare : Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Graphic Otto Wirsching. Einhorn-Verlag, Dachau 1920.
  • Simon Lemnius : Monachopornomachia. Müller, Munich 1919.
  • Hanns Floerke (Ed.): The Aesculapic Decameron. Doctors, pharmacists etc. Medicines in d. Novellas and Schwänken until 1600. Of the woodcuts, the title and the first 3 are by Otto Wirsching, the remaining 14 by Hans Halm. Georg Müller, Munich 1920.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Wirsching, Aranka . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 36 : Wilhelmy-Zyzywi . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1947, p. 98 .
  2. Jeannette Oholi: historian with a passion. The Dachau Pollnhof is known as Otto and Aranka Wirsching's artist house. Hobby historian Erwin Hartmann and owner Johann Turba have now researched its origins in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, January 22, 2016