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Patellifolia patellaris

Patellifolia patellaris

Nuclear eudicotyledons
Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Foxtail family (Amaranthaceae)
Subfamily : Betoideae
Genre : Patellifolia
Scientific name
AJScott , Ford-Lloyd & JTWilliams

Patellifolia is a genus of plants from the subfamily Betoideae in the foxtail family(Amaranthaceae). It is common in the western Mediterranean and Macaronesia , with some isolated occurrences in North Africa and the Horn of Africa . It is related to the beet and is therefore of interest for plant breeding of the cultivated beet .


Inflorescence of Patellifolia procumbens

Patellifolia species grow as annual or perennial herbaceous plants . The stems are often prostrate or upright. The alternate leaves are arranged in a petiole and a leaf blade. The simple leaf blade is heart-shaped or spear-shaped.

Inflorescences and flowers

The inflorescence contains numerous clusters of one to three flowers each, which sit in the axils of leaf-like bracts . The flowers are hermaphroditic and not fused with the neighboring flowers. Its inflorescence consists of five herbaceous, slightly keeled tepals that are fused below. There are five stamens , they stand in front of the tepals, their stamens are connected at the base to form a disc . The ovary is semi-subordinate and has two scars .

Fruits and seeds

At the time of fruiting, the ovary is sunk a little into the enlarged base of the flower cover. The Tepalenzipfel do not change and are pressed against the fruit. The individual fruits are almost spherical capsules that fall off when ripe and open with a round lid. The seed stands on edge and contains a ring-shaped embryo and abundant nutrient tissue.


The distribution area of Patellifolia mainly covers the western Mediterranean area ( Spain , Morocco ) and the islands of Macaronesia ( Madeira , Canary Islands , Cape Verde Islands ). There are some isolated occurrences in North Africa ( Ahaggar , Tassili n'Ajjer , Libya ), and in the Horn of Africa ( Socotra , Somalia ).

In their main area of ​​distribution and in Socotra, the plants mostly colonize coastal habitats at altitudes of up to about 200 meters. In the mountains of North Africa, however, they are found at higher altitudes of up to 2000 meters, and in Somalia they were also found at altitudes of 1150 meters.


Patellifolia webbiana , illustration

The plant species that belong to Patellifolia were first summarized in 1927 by Woldemar Tranzschel as a rank-less taxon Patellares within the genus Beta . Oskar Eberhard Ulbrich grouped them in 1934 in their own Beta sect section . Procumbentes . The genus Patellifolia was established in 1977 by Andrew John Scott , Brian V. Ford-Lloyd and J. Trevor Williams , with the type species Patellifolia webbiana . With this, the authors replaced the invalid name Patellaria J.T.Williams, AJScott & Ford-Lloyd , which they had chosen a year earlier. This name was illegitimate, however, because it had been given to Patellaria Hoffmann (a genus of lichen ) since 1789 .

Some authors did not recognize Patellifolia as a separate genus, they continued to use the name Beta sect. Procumbentes . Molecular genetic studies by Kadereit et al. (2006) and Romeiras et al. (2016) demonstrated profound genetic differences between Beta and Patellifolia and confirmed the rank as a separate genus.

One to three species belong to the genus Patellifolia :

  • Patellifolia patellaris (Moq.) AJScott & al. (Syn. Beta patellaris Moq. ), In dry habitats on coasts or on rocks, widespread in Macaronesia (Canary Islands, Madeira, Cape Verde) and in the western Mediterranean (Spain, Balearic Islands, Morocco, Sicily), North Africa, up to the Horn from Africa.
  • Patellifolia procumbens (Chr.Sm.) AJScott & al. (Syn. Beta procumbens Chr. Sm. ), In dry habitats on the coasts of Macaronesia (Canary Islands, Madeira, Cape Verde).
  • Patellifolia webbiana (Moq.) AJScott & al. (Syn. Beta webbiana Moq. ), Endemic to Gran Canaria , in nitrogen-rich ruderal areas, according to IUCN "Critically Endangered" = "threatened with extinction".

Some authors have expressed doubts that Patellifolia procumbens and Patellifolia webbiana are separate species. The identification of the three species is difficult and some features that have been used to distinguish between species have proven to be unreliable. Therefore, Thulin et al. (2010) propose to combine all three species into a single, very variable species, Patellifoia procumbens . This suggestion is followed, for example, in the Euro + Med Plant Base .

Patellifolia patellaris , however, could not be crossed with the other two species, which speaks for the rank of a separate species, while Patellifolia procumbens and Patellifolia webbiana could be hybridized with each other. The species on the islands emerged relatively recently and have differed only little due to their isolation. Therefore, they have only weak genetic barriers to hybridization.


According to phylogenetic studies, Patellifolia appears to be a relatively old genus. The separation from its sister genus beet ( Beta ) probably took place early in the late Oligocene . In contrast, the species are comparatively young, they did not develop until the late Pliocene or early Quaternary . The current distribution area with its isolated occurrences suggests that Patellifolia was once a widespread taxon, whose growth habitats were later separated and which became extinct in many regions.

Importance for plant breeding

Patellifolia is related to the economically important beet ( Beta vulgaris subsp. Vulgaris , with the cultivar groups sugar beet , beetroot , Swiss chard , fodder beet ). Therefore, Patellifolia is of great interest as a wild relative and potential gene donor for the resistance breeding of beet . The plants are resistant to some of the sugar beet's worst pests and diseases, such as Cercospora leaf spot (caused by Cercospora beticola ), Curly Top Virus , Rhizomania virus and powdery mildew ( Erysiphe polygoni ). All three species were found to be highly resistant to beet cyst nematodes ( Heterodera schachtii ), although the levels of resistance vary. While Patellifolia patellaris is not completely immune to it, the beet roots in the other two species were never able to develop to maturity.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c AM Gutiérrez Bustillo: Patellifolia . In: SC Bolibar: Flora Iberica , pp.482-484.
  2. a b c d e f Gudrun Kadereit, Sandra Hohmann, Joachim W. Kadereit: A synopsis of Chenopodiaceae subfam. Betoideae and notes on the taxonomy of Beta. In: Willdenowia , Volume 36, 2006, pp. 9-19. doi: 10.3372 / wi.36.36101
  3. a b c d e Mats Thulin, Andreas Rydberg, Joachim Thiede: Identity of Tetragonia pentandra and taxonomy and distribution of Patellifolia (Chenopodiaceae). In: Willdenowia Volume 40, Issue 1, 2010, pp. 5-11. doi: 10.3372 / wi.40.40101
  4. ^ Oskar Eberhard Ulbrich: Chenopodiaceae. In: Adolf Engler, Karl Anton Eugen Prantl: The natural plant families , 2nd ed. Volume 16c: pp. 379-584, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1934, p. 455.
  5. ^ Andrew John Scott, Brian V. Ford-Lloyd, J. Trevor Williams: Patellifolia, nomen novum (Chenopodiaceae). In: Taxon , Volume 26, Issue 2-3, 1977, p. 284. doi: 10.2307 / 1220567
  6. Patellaria at Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, accessed August 22, 2016.
  7. a b c d e f g h i Maria M. Romeiras, Ana Vieira, Diogo N. Silva, Monica Moura, Arnoldo Santos-Guerra, Dora Batista, Maria Cristina Duarte, Octávio S. Paulo: Evolutionary and Biogeographic Insights on the Macaronesian Beta-Patellifolia Species (Amaranthaceae) from a Time-Scaled Molecular Phylogeny. In: PLoS One. 11 (3), 2016: e0152456. 8 doi: 10.1371 / journal.pone.0152456 )
  8. a b A. Santos-Guerra, L. Frese: Patellifolia webbiana. In: The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2011: e.T172260A6859581. doi: 10.2305 / IUCN.UK.2011-1.RLTS.T172260A6859581.en . Retrieved August 22, 2016.
  9. Pertti Uotila: Patellifolia. In: Chenopodiaceae (pro parte majore). 2011. In: Euro + Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity .

Web links

Commons : Patellifolia  - collection of images, videos and audio files
 Wikispecies: Patellifolia  - Species Directory