Paul Hankamer

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Paul Johannes August Hankamer (born February 11, 1891 in Wesel ; † June 29, 1945 in Munich ) was a German literary historian , university professor and Germanist .


Hankamer was the son of the chief editor of the Essener Volkszeitung , Wilhelm Hankamer (1858–?) And his wife Magdalene, née Heix (1861–?). After primary school he attended the Dominican High School in Venlo and graduated from high school in Essen in 1909 . From 1910 to 1914 he studied German , history and philosophy at the universities in Heidelberg , Berlin and Bonn . Even before the outbreak of the First World War, he laid in 1914 as part of the doctoral examination in Bonn be Rigorosum at Berthold Litzmann from, but it was only after the end of his military service in 1919 his doctorate . In 1920 followed his habilitation before he in 1925 associate professor, first in Bonn and 1928 at the University in Cologne was. In 1932 he received a professorship for new German literature at the University in Konigsberg , who gave him in 1936 by the Nazi was taken university administration for political reasons. He lived in Solln near Munich from 1936 to 1945 , where shortly after the end of the war he suffered a gunshot wound to which he died a little later.

He was temporarily married to Edda Tille-Hankamer , who emigrated to the USA via Rotterdam on October 1, 1938.


To this day, Hankamer is considered to be one of the first literary scholars who made German Baroque literature the subject of his research. After the reception of the poems Stefan Georges impressed and strengthened by his close ties with the theologian Fritz Tillmann and the art historian Wilhelm Worringer , he considers the tension between catholicity and the spirit of George's poetry to be a basis for developing the possibilities of Christian humanism and to interpret it in his numerous works on recent German literature.

His main work, German Counter Reformation and German Baroque. (1935, 3rd edition 1964), with its methodologically comprehensive approach, represents the first major attempt to create an overall historical picture of the Baroque from the intellectual life and formal language of this epoch . In addition, numerous essays emerged, including on Görres , Lessing , Goethe , Grabbe , Stifter and Thomas Mann . Forced by the loss of his professorship, he publishes - as far as possible - on cultural-political and literary-historical topics in the Rheinische Volkszeitung , the Vossische Zeitung , the Neue Zürcher Zeitung , the Rhein-Main Volkszeitung and the Frankfurter Zeitung .

Even before the start of the Second World War , his biographical novel Vorabend (1939, 3rd edition 1940), which reflects Hankamer's youth before 1914, was published under the pseudonym Peter Hergenbrecht . His historical novel Der Mantel des Ratsherrn (1954) , published posthumously , was also published under a pseudonym .

Works (selection)

  • Zacharias Werner . A contribution to the presentation of the problem of personality in Romanticism , Cohen, Bonn 1920
  • The spiritual drama . Dr. Filser & Co., Augsburg 1921
  • Jakob Boehme . F. Cohen, Bonn 1924
  • The Böhme Reading Book - Jacob Böhme (Ed.), Verlag d. Bühnenvolksbundes, Berlin 1925
  • The language, its concept and its interpretation in the 16th and 17th centuries 17th century . F. Cohen, Bonn 1927
  • German literary history. Buchgemeinde, Bonn 1930, 3rd edition 1952
  • German Counter Reformation and German Baroque. German literature in the 17th century Metzler, Stuttgart 1935, 4th edition 1976
  • Peter Hergenbrecht (pseudonym): Eve , 1939, (3rd edition 1940)
  • Game of powers. A chapter from Goethe's life and world , Tübingen 1943
  • Peter Hergenbrecht (pseudonym): The councilor's coat , 1954


  • Wilhelm Worringer: Paul Hankamer in: Yearbook of the Albertus University in Königsberg 2, 1952, pp. 26-29
  • J. Zimmermann, Paul Hankamer in commemoration (as an afterword to The Councilor's Coat , pp. 309–317)
  • Walter Müller-Seidel: Paul Hankamer in: Die Sammlung 5, 1950, pp. 202-208
  • Friedrich Ohly:  Hankamer, Paul Johannes August. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 7, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1966, ISBN 3-428-00188-5 , p. 617 f. ( Digitized version ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Letter from Thomas Mann ; In detail on Edda Tille-Hankamer , by Utz Maas , 2018
  2. Preface to Jacob Böhme , Bonn 1924