Paul war

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Paul Krieg (born May 25, 1869 in Eichberg , Silesia , † September 14, 1938 in Beijing ) was a German doctor and university professor in Beijing.


Krieg grew up as the son of the director of the paper mill in Eichberg, Otto Krieg, and his wife Clara, née. Bock, in well-to-do circumstances. He was married and had three children.



In 1888, Krieg passed the Abitur examination at the Royal High School in Hirschberg . He soon had to give up his military service, which he subsequently took up with Field Artillery Regiment No. 6 , due to a serious foot injury. After he had recovered more or less, he heard lectures on law and then on forest sciences at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Berlin in the summer semester of 1889 . He dropped out of both courses and finally decided to study medicine . He studied this subject at the universities of Kiel , Munich , Breslau and from the summer semester of 1894 in Gießen . At that time he was a member of the Association of German Students in Giessen . In 1896 he received his doctorate there with a dissertation on the subject of “A contribution to the congenital mobility defects of the eyes”. At that time he was already a licensed doctor in Hirschberg.

London and Hong Kong

Soon afterwards, Krieg went to the German Hospital in London as a hospital doctor for three years .

When Krieg was trying to get a job at the German Hospital in New York , he was offered a job as a partner of the German doctor Karl Gerlach in Hong Kong . The two doctors came to an agreement, and Krieg worked as a general practitioner in Hong Kong from 1898 to 1903 .


In Hong Kong, Krieg met the surgeon Erich Paulun, who in the meantime had founded the "German Medical Association in Shanghai " with Oskar von Schab . In 1903 war also went to Shanghai and participated in the company. He also worked at the Tongji Hospital founded by Paulun, which was very popular with the Chinese population. In addition, Krieg worked as a lecturer at the German Medical School for Chinese in Shanghai , founded in 1907 on Paulun's initiative by the German government . In addition, Krieg found time for the administrative tasks of a chairman of the board of trustees of the German Medical and Engineering School for Chinese in Shanghai, which was expanded in 1912. When China declared war on the German Reich in 1917 , Krieg, who was also an embassy doctor, received a diplomatic passport for leaving the country. Back in Germany, he was deployed as a senior military surgeon on the Western Front .

Prof. Dr. Dipper and Prof. Dr. War (standing from left) with doctors and nurses at the German Hospital in Beijing in 1925
The German Hospital in Beijing in 1929


After the end of the war he worked as a doctor in Hirschberg, until in 1922 he was offered the position of embassy doctor and chief physician at the German Hospital in Beijing , which also served as an embassy hospital .

The medical councilor Edmund Dipper was also active there as a further chief physician . Within a few years, the two managed to multiply the capacity of the hospital. In order to cope with the work, they hired an ophthalmologist as well as a gynecologist and surgeon as early as 1923 . However, the working atmosphere suffered from the rivalries between the war and Dipper, so that the gynecologist and surgeon soon left Beijing. In 1924 three sisters from the Evangelical Diakonissenanstalt in Stuttgart were initially recruited as nursing staff, and others were to follow later. The good reputation that the hospital enjoyed under Dipper and Krieg never led to a shortage of replacements for doctors and nurses who were leaving.

In addition to his work at the German Hospital, Krieg was an attending physician at the Beijing Central Hospital as early as 1922 and, from 1924 at the latest, professor of pediatrics at the State Medical School in Beijing.

After Dipper's death in 1933, Krieg ran the Deutsche Hospital as the sole chief physician and enjoyed an excellent reputation among Chinese and European patients. Probably his most prominent patient in 1925 was Sun Yat-sen , the president of the national government in Canton .


  • A contribution to the congenital mobility defects of the eyes, dissertation of the medical faculty of the Ludwigs-Universität Gießen. Grossh. Court and university printing house Curt von Münchow, Giessen 1896


  • Clinical weekly from October 15, 1938. Vol. 17, No. 42. Julius Springer Verlag, Berlin 1938, p. 1496.
  • G. Lindner (ed.): Royal high school in Hirschberg. Easter 1889. Paul Oertel (formerly W. Pfund), Hirschberg 1889. Digitized
  • Erich von Salzmann: Dr. Paul war. The life picture of a German cultural pioneer in East Asia. In: The German Abroad. Edited on behalf of the Deutsches Auslands-Institut by Fritz Wertheimer, vol. 10 (1927), Karl Weinbrenner & Sons, Stuttgart 1927, pp. 210–215.
  • Alex [other] Ramsay (ed.): The Peking Who's Who. 1922. The Tientsin Press Limited, Beijing 1922. Digitized
  • Barbara Schmitt-Englert: Germans in China 1920–1950. Everyday life and changes. Ludwigshafen writings on China. Vol. 1. Ostasien Verlag, Gossenberg 2012. ISBN 978-3-940527-50-9 .
  • Marc Zirlewagen: Biographical Lexicon of the Associations of German Students. Vol. 1, Members A – L. BoD Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2014. ISBN 978-3-7357-2288-1 .
  • Marc Zirlewagen: Student History. Essays and articles 2011–2015 as well as the fragment “125 years of VDSt zu Gießen”. BoD Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2016, ISBN 978-3-7386-5996-2 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ News about the Easter school year 1888-1889 . In: G. Lindner (ed.): Royal high school in Hirschberg. Easter 1889 . Paul Oertel (formerly W. Pfund), Hirschberg 1889, p. 20-35 (33) .
  2. ^ Journal of the Association of German Engineers. Vol. 19, Directory of Members . Self-published by the association, Commissions-Verlag by Rudolph Gaertner, Berlin 1875, p. 29 .
  3. Marc Zirlewagen: Biographies of the clubs German students . tape 1 , members of AL. BoD Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2014, ISBN 978-3-7357-2288-1 , p. 467 .
  4. ^ News about the Easter school year 1888-1889 . In: G. Lindner (ed.): Royal high school in Hirschberg. Easter 1889 . Paul Oertel (formerly W. Pfund), Hirschberg 1889, p. 20-35 (33) .
  5. ^ Official directory of the staff and students of the Royal Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin . For the summer half-year from April 24 to August 15, 1889. Gustav Schabe (Otto Francke) printing works, Berlin 1889, p. 84 .
  6. a b c d Erich von Salzmann: Dr. Paul war. The life picture of a German cultural pioneer in East Asia . In: The German Abroad . Volume 10 (1927). Karl Weinbrenner & Sons, Stuttgart 1927, p. 210-215 (210) .
  7. ^ Official directory of the staff of teachers, civil servants and students at the royal Bavarian Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . Winter semester 1892/93. Kgl. Court and university book printer of Dr. C. Wolf & Sohn, Munich 1992, p. 68 .
  8. Staff of the Grand Ducal Hessian Ludewigs University in Giessen . Summer half of 1894. Grand Ducal Court and University Printing House Curt von Münchow, Gießen 1894, p. 30 .
  9. Marc Zirlewagen: Students history. Essays and articles 2011–2015 as well as the fragment “125 years of VDSt zu Gießen” . BoD Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2016, ISBN 978-3-7386-5996-2 , pp. 180 .
  10. Paul Krieg: A contribution to the congenital mobility defects of the eyes, dissertation of the medical faculty of the Ludwig University of Giessen . Grossh. Court and university printing house Curt von Münchow, Giessen 1896.
  11. Marc Zirlewagen: Biographies of the clubs German students . tape 1 , members of AL. BoD Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2014, ISBN 978-3-7357-2288-1 , p. 467 .
  12. ^ Tongji Hospital History. Tongji Hospital, accessed September 2, 2016 (2009-2011).
  13. Roswitha Reinbothe (Ed.): Tongji University in Shanghai. Documents on the founding history . Harrassowitz-Verlag, Wiesbaden 2009, ISBN 978-3-447-06063-9 , pp. 438 .
  14. Irmgard Grimm: Memories from my colorful life . Irmgard Grimm / Nicolas Reichelt, Hanover / Frankfurt am Main 1992, p. 52 .
  15. Barbara Schmitt-Englert: Germans in China 1920–1950. Everyday life and changes . In: Ludwigshafen writings on China . tape 1 . Ostasien Verlag, Gossenberg 2012, ISBN 978-3-940527-50-9 , pp. 458 .
  16. Irmgard Grimm: Memories from my colorful life . Irmgard Grimm / Nicolas Reichelt, Hanover / Frankfurt am Main 1992, p. 61 .
  17. Susanne Dieterich: Wise woman, midwife, witch, doctor. On the cultural history of the female healing art . 3. Edition. Der Kleine Buch Verlag, Karlsruhe 2016, ISBN 978-3-7650-1406-2 , p. 166 .
  18. Alex [other] Ramsay (ed.): The Peking Who's Who. 1922 . The Tientsin Press Limited, Beijing 1922, p. 57 .
  19. ^ Minerva magazine. News for the learned world 1924 . tape 2 . Verlag Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin 1924, p. 106 .
  20. Barbara Schmitt-Englert: Germans in China 1920–1950. Everyday life and changes . In: Ludwigshafen writings on China . tape 1 . Ostasien Verlag, Gossenberg 2012, ISBN 978-3-940527-50-9 , pp. 459 .