Paul Médinger

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Paul Médinger

Paul Médinger (born June 15, 1859 in Paris , † April 27, 1895 there ) was a French track cyclist .

Paul MEDINGER among the first generation of professional - cyclists ; he was active from 1882 to 1894. During these years he was French sprint champion six times , and twice he won the Angers Grand Prix . He also set two world records.

After retiring from cycling, Médinger founded the Société des Cycles Médinger . In 1895 he was shot by his wife Elsa. This was preceded by numerous marital conflicts, which were mainly attributed to the wife's (well-founded) jealousy . Medinger had a longstanding relationship with Blanche de Bailly. After Elsa Médinger, who was born in Switzerland, killed her husband, she shot herself. She was found on the bed in the bedroom with her dead husband in her arms.


  • René Jacobs, Hector Mahau, Harry van Den Bremt, René Pirotte: Velo Gotha. Presses de Belgique, Brussels 1984, p. 314.

Web links

Commons : Paul Médinger  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Hervé Paturle, Guillaume Rebière: Un siècle de cyclisme . Calmann- Lévy, Paris 1997, p. 32 (French).
  2. ^ L'Union Agricole et Maritime . May 1, 1895. p. 2.