André Perchicot

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André Perchicot

André Perchicot (born August 9, 1888 in Bayonne ; † May 3, 1950 ibid) was a French cyclist and singer.

In 1905 the young high school student Perchicot competed in his first race on the Boucau track. He won and won an amateur license from the French Federation as a prize. In 1906 he won the amateur class seventeen times. The following year he got a license as a professional driver. In 1908 he was able to book 34 first prizes and in 1909 37 victories. In 1912 André Perchicot became the French sprint champion . In both 1912 and 1913 , he took third place in this discipline at rail world championships, and in 1913 he became European champion. He also started in six six- day races ; In 1912 he finished second in Toronto with Jimmy Moran and third in Paris in 1914 with Oscar Egg .

Perchicot was a trained engineer and active as a fighter pilot during World War I ; He was shot down in 1916, but survived despite numerous breaks. During his convalescence in the hospital, he began performing as a singer in front of the other soldiers and at charity events of the Red Cross . After the war he used his popularity as a cyclist to make a career as a singer. He released records, went on tours and also starred in films. He fell ill with a virus in the early 1930s and died of the consequences in 1950.


  • Roger de Maertelaere: De Mannen van de night. 100 years of zesdaagsen. Eecloonaar, Eeklo 2000, ISBN 90-74128-67-X , p. 234.


  1. ^ Verlag der Radwelt (ed.): Sport album of the Rad world. A cycling yearbook . 13th year. Strauss-Verlag, Berlin 1913, p. 35-36 .
  2. Until the Union Européenne de Cyclisme (UEC) was founded in 1995, European championship titles were considered unofficial, as earlier European championships were usually invitation races in which non-Europeans also took part.

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