Paul Werkmeister

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Paul Georg August Werkmeister (born April 9, 1878 in Stuttgart ; † December 12, 1944 there ) was a German surveying engineer and professor at the Technical University of Dresden .


Werkmeister passed his Abitur in Stuttgart and began a three-year apprenticeship as a surveying technician with a year of practical experience with a cadastral geometer . From 1897 he studied geodesy and applied mathematics at the Technical University of Stuttgart and graduated in 1902. In 1902 he was one of the founders of the Stuttgart Wingolf . Later he also joined the Wingolf Association Argentina Strasbourg and the Dresden Wingolf. Ernst von Hammer became his teacher, with whom he became an assistant. After a year of work in the Württemberg Commission for International Geometric Surveying , he joined the topographical department of the Württemberg State Statistical Office in Stuttgart in 1903. In the summer semester of 1907 he represented the professor for practical geometry at the Technical University of Stuttgart. Then he went to the Imperial Technical School in Strasbourg. In 1912 he received his doctorate from the Technical University of Karlsruhe with a dissertation on precision leveling in Württemberg as a Dr.-Ing.

In 1915 he enlisted during the First World War as a volunteer for the army and was in the survey troops used.

In 1918 what was then the realm of Alsace-Lorraine came back to France and foreman he went to the Technical University of Berlin-Charlottenburg as a lecturer in surveying . In 1919 he became a teacher for trigonometry at the higher mechanical engineering school in Esslingen am Neckar and had a teaching position at the Technical University of Stuttgart. In 1922 he completed his habilitation there for scientific computing and taught nomography and its application in surveying as a private lecturer . In 1925, foreman Bernhard Pattenhausen followed as full professor of surveying and director of the Geodetic Institute with observatory at the Technical University of Dresden. A serious illness forced 1,938 premature retirement .

In 1918 Werkmeister became a member of the DVP and in 1933/4 of the National Socialist German Front Fighter Association . In November 1933 he signed the German professors' confession of Adolf Hitler . He was a member of the board of directors of the Deutsches Museum in Munich and the Saxon Technical Higher Examination Office. As a member of the advisory board for surveying at the Reich Ministry of the Interior in Berlin, he influenced the project of the German basic map 1: 5000 and the reorganization of the surveying industry.


  • Lexicon of surveying. Berlin 1943.
  • Practical numbers. Berlin 1945.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Complete directory of Wingolf; Lichtenberg 1991