Paul of Colindres

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Paul of Colindres
Contemporary engraving
Monument in the native city of Colindres

Paul von Colindres OFMCap (born October 28, 1696 in Colindres , Cantabria , Spain , † June 7, 1766 in Vienna ) was a Spanish Capuchin and General Minister (Superior General) of the Order .

Live and act

He came from a noble family and was originally called Pedro Francisco Antonio Oruña y Calderón de la Barca. His brother Juan Antonio Oruña († 1748) officiated as Bishop of Osma from 1744 . The parents were Pedro Antonio de Oruña and Manuela Calderón de la Barca.

He studied law , chose the clergy and taught ecclesiastical and secular law at the University of Valladolid . He obtained a doctorate in canon law from the University of Salamanca . Soon he was appointed canon at the Cathedral of Salamanca .

Pedro Francisco Antonio Oruña y Calderón de la Barca entered the Capuchin order in 1725 and was given the name Paulus, associated with his place of origin according to Capuchin custom. He was therefore called in the order Brother "Paul of Colindres". Because of his erudition and piety, he rose quickly there. The Order General Hartmann von Brixen appointed him secretary of the Spanish province in 1727. From 1727 to 1733 Paul von Colindres accompanied the superior on his extensive visitation trips , where he preached on January 28, 1731, in Freiburg im Breisgau , the capital of Upper Austria , to Spanish soldiers in their mother tongue. From 1735 he lived for five years as a missionary in Oran, Africa and in 1746 became Minister of the Order of the Province of Spain. When he became General Definitor of the Capuchins, King Ferdinand VI. the diocese of Barcelona , which he declined out of modesty. In the office of Definitor he took part in the General Chapter of 1747, which Sigismund of Ferrara made General of the Order.

On May 8, 1761, Brother Paul von Colindres was elected 43rd Minister General of the Capuchin Order. King Ferdinand IV made him grande of Spain on July 10, 1762 . During his time in the Generalate, he busily visited the monasteries and for this purpose traveled to his homeland, Italy, France, Germany and Austria. In October 1765 he stayed in Bonn , as well as in Cologne , where the Auxiliary Bishop Franz Kaspar von Franken-Siersdorf paid his respects. In December Paul von Colindres stayed at the Capuchin Convent in Bruchsal and met with Cardinal von Hutten , Prince- Bishop of Speyer . From January 17 to 26, 1766, the Superior General visited Bamberg and lived in the Capuchin monastery there . Then he came to the Capuchin monastery in Speyer . Paul von Colindres stayed here and visited the town hall and the Speyer Cathedral before traveling on to Mannheim to the electoral court . Contemporary sources refer to him as humble, kind, and affable on this occasion. All reports emphasize that he categorically refused the offered travel opportunities and covered all distances on foot.

The order general was in Vienna in July 1766, where he fell ill with a "hot chest catarrh " (probably pneumonia ) and died in the Capuchin monastery there . He was buried in the famous Capuchin Church in Vienna , the burial place of the Habsburgs , near the grave of Blessed Marco d'Aviano . His tombstone with a chronogram has been preserved; the funeral sermon appeared in print.

In his native Colindres, the "Colegio Público Fray Pablo de Colindres" is named after him and a monument has been erected for him.


  • Johann Christian von Stramberg , Anton Joseph Weidenbach: Memorable and useful Rheinischer Antiquarius , II. Department, Volume 10, p. 616, Koblenz, 1861; (Digital scan)
  • Melchior a Pobladura: Litterae circulares superiorum generalium Ordinis Fratrum Minorum Capuccinorum (1548-1803) , Volume 1, pp. 274 ff., Institutum Historicum Ord. Fr. Min. Cap., 1960; (Cutout scan 1) , (Cutout scan 2)
  • Bonifazio da Nice: Ritratti degli nomini illustri dell'istituto de'Minori Capuccini promossi, o destinati a dignita ecclesiastiche , part 2, pp. 35-37, Rome, 1804; (Digital scan)

Web links

Commons : Paul von Colindres  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Juan Corvalan Loperraez: Descripción histórica del obispado de Osma con el catálogo de sus Prelados , Volume 1, pp 569-573, Madrid, 1788; (Digital scan to parents and brother)
  2. Emerich von Hall: Seven-year-old wandering, that is: Kurtze and true description of the seven-year-old Visitations-Reyss RP Hartmanni Brixinensis of the whole Capucin order, formerly known Ministri Generalis, through Spain, France, the Netherlands, Germany & Welschland , Innsbruck , 1753, p. 14; (Digital scan)
  3. Ibid., P. 173; (Digital scan)
  4. ^ Spanish website on Paul von Colindres
  5. ^ Archives about the stay in Bonn
  6. Klaus Baulmann: Annalen der Kapuziner von Kloster Brunnen 1705-1796 , Volume 62 of: Studies and sources for Westphalian history , 2008, ISBN 3897104253 , p. 161; (Detail scan)
  7. Augspurgische Ordinari postal newspaper : No. 252, of October 21, 1765; (Digital scan)
  8. Website on the Capuchin monastery in Bruchsal
  9. Freiburg Diocesan Archive , Volume 29, 1901, p. 189, Herder-Verlag, Freiburg; (Cutout scan 1) , (Cutout scan 2)
  10. ^ Tag-Blatt der Stadt Bamberg , p. 125 of the year 1853; (Digital scan)
  11. Jakob Baumann : History of the St. Aegidien Church and the Capuchin Convent in the free imperial city of Speier , Speyer, 1918, pp. 80–81
  12. Johann Joseph von Khevenhüller-Metsch : From the time of Maria Theresa: Diary of Prince Johann Josef Khevenhüller-Metsch, Imperial Obersthofmeister 1742-1776 , 1917, p. 186, (detail scan)
  13. ^ Günther Buchinger, Christa Farka: Vienna: I. District - Inner City , Institute for Austrian Art Research of the Federal Monuments Office, Vienna, 2003, p. 81, ISBN 3850283666 ; (Detail scan)
  14. ^ Kilian von Wien: eulogy and funeral speech about the temporal appearance of the priest Paulus von Colindres of the order of the minor brothers Capuciner general manager , Vienna, 1766; (Digital scan of the funeral sermon)
  15. The school's website