Pedro Hernández Cantarero

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Coat of arms of Pedro Hernández Cantarero

Pedro Joaquin Hernández Cantarero CMF (born June 29, 1954 in Jinotepe , Carazo County, Nicaragua) is Vicar Apostolic of Darién .


Hernandez Cantarero studied in Costa Rica, Colombia (Medellin), and Spain (Salamanca), where he developed the licentiate acquired in Theology of Consecrated Life. On November 15, 1986, he was ordained a priest for the Claretian Order . Subsequently, he was among other things trainer of the aspirants of his order (1987-1988) and commissioner for the philosophical education of the Claretians in Guatemala (1988-1989). From 1989 to 1991 he studied at the Pontifical University of Salamanca . From 1996 he headed the Claretian training center for seminarians in Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of the Congo), where he also taught as a lecturer in spirituality and biblical studies.

Pope John Paul II appointed him on February 12, 2005 Vicar Apostolic of Darién and Titular Bishop of Thabraca . The Apostolic Nuncio in Panama , Archbishop Giacomo Guido Ottonello , donated him episcopal ordination on March 19 of the same year ; Co- consecrators were José Dimas Cedeño Delgado , Archbishop of Panama , and Carlos María Ariz Bolea CMF, Bishop of Colón-Kuna Yala .

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predecessor Office successor
Rómulo Emiliani Sánchez CMF Vicar Apostolic of Darién
since 2005