Philippe Ballot

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Archbishop's coat of arms

Philippe Ballot (born October 2, 1956 in Corbenay , Haute-Saône , France ) is a French clergyman and Roman Catholic Archbishop of Chambéry .


After graduating from high school, Ballot studied Catholic theology and philosophy at the interdiocesan seminary in Dijon . From 1976 to 1978 he worked as part of an international cooperation project in the Central African Republic and then studied public law until 1981 . In the autumn of 1981 he moved to the seminary of Besançon to continue his theology studies. In 1983 he became an alumnus of the French Pontifical Seminary in Rome and studied at the Pontifical Gregorian University . On September 30, 1984 he was ordained diaconal and on June 29, 1985 he was ordained priest for the Archdiocese of Besançon . In 1986 he completed his studies at the Gregorian with a licentiate in fundamental theology .

From 1986 to 1991 he was chaplain of the parish of Saint-Pie X in Besançon. At the same time he studied canon law at the Institut Catholique de Paris from 1986 to 1988 and was also Aumonier at the Collège Saint-Joseph , the Collège Sainte-Ursule and the Lycée Saint-Paul in Besançon from 1988 to 1996 . Subsequently, from 1996 to 2001 he was coordinator of the pastoral unit Notre-Dame la Blanche in Châtillon and at the same time initially a judge, from 1998 associate official and from 1999 official at the interdiocesan office of Franche-Comté . In 2001 he was also appointed representative for Catholic education in Besançon and dean of the Banlieue-Val de l'Ognon dean 's office .

In 2004 he was appointed Vicar General of the Archdiocese and Archbishop's Representative for Religious as well as Advisor for Catechesis , Catechumenate , Communication, Pilgrimage, Catholic Education and Pastoral Care for Young People.

On January 14, 2009, Pope Benedict XVI appointed him . to the Archbishop of Chambéry. He was ordained episcopal on April 26, 2009 by the Archbishop of Lyon , Cardinal Philippe Barbarin , in the Saint-François-de-Sales cathedral in Chambéry ; Co- consecrators were the Archbishop of Besançon, André Lacrampe , and the Archbishop of Lille , Laurent Ulrich .

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