Pyotr Ivanovich Rychkov

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Pyotr Ivanovich Rytschkow ( Franz Krüger , ca.1830)

Pyotr Ivanovich Rytschkow ( Russian Пётр Иванович Рычков ; * October 1 July / October 12,  1712 greg. In Vologda ; † October 15 July / October 26,  1777 greg. In Yekaterinburg ) was a Russian historian and geographer .


Rychkov's father was a Vologda merchant who had trade relations with Arkhangelsk . His ships with potash and other goods went under in an export business (around 1720), whereupon the state held him liable and confiscated his property. The ruined family moved to Moscow in 1722 , where the father got a position as court factor at the court of Duke Karl Friedrich of Schleswig-Holstein through mediation .

Pyotr Rychkov learned to read, write and do arithmetic in Vologda. In Moscow he entered the service of the linen manufacturer I. Tames, who taught him trade, accounting and languages ​​and treated him like a son. After Tame's death he lived with his father for some time. In 1730 he went to St. Petersburg and worked for the Englishman Elmsen, who had been director of the state glassworks Jamburg and Schabino on the Luga . In 1732 he became a translator and assistant accountant at St. Petersburg Harbor Customs .

In 1734 Rytschkow was accountant in the surveying expedition of the senior secretary of the Senate Ivan Kirillowitsch Kirilow . Rytschkow headed the office in the Orenburg governorate founded in 1744 . As assistant to the governor Ivan Ivanovich Nepljujew, he worked on his projects and was sent to St. Petersburg to develop a trade project with India . In the 1760s he was on leave to settle the estates lent him with farmers and to build the Spasskoje mansion . In 1770 he returned to work as the main administrator of the Orenburg salt business . During the Pugachev uprising , under Pyotr Ivanovich Panin, he also managed foreign affairs and foreigners ( Kirghiz , Bashkirs ) in the region.

Rytschkow devoted his free time to history and description of the country . His topography also appeared as a book in two volumes, the German translation of which by Jacob Rodde was published in Riga in 1772 and that of Gase in the Magazin für die neue Historie und Geographie . With his 60 scientific papers he paved the way for Russian economic geography . He was the first to study Russian beekeeping . In 1759 he was the first native Russian to become a corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences . In 1765 he was elected as a real member of the newly founded Free Economic Society , which awarded him the silver medal in 1769 and the great gold medal in 1770. In 1773 he was elected a member of the Free Russian Assembly , the learned and literary society at Moscow University . In 1777 he was appointed supreme commander of the Ekaterinburg factory administration.

Rychkov was married twice. With his first wife Anisja Prokofjewna born Guljajewa (1715–1751) he had three sons and a daughter. His second son, Nikolai, followed his father's interests and became an explorer . His second wife Jelena Denisjewna, née Tschirikowa, with whom he had 12 children, was enthusiastic about knitwear and distributed them to the women of Orenburg . Thanks to the activities of the Rychkov spouses, Orenburg shawls became known throughout Russia .

Rytschkow was buried in the Church of the Resurrection , which he built on his Spasskoye country estate , which is now in ruins. This place was the starting point of Peter Simon Pallas' expeditions . In the Geography Museum of the Lomonosov University Moscow on the 24th floor of the main building there is a bust of Rytschkov . In 2009 a Rytschkow memorial was erected in Sol-Ilezk and in 2012 in Orenburg.

Web links

Commons : Pyotr Iwanowitsch Rytschkow  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Рычков, Петр Иванович . In: Русский биографический словарь . tape 17 , 1918, pp. 710-712 ( Wikisource [accessed November 7, 2017]).
  2. Рычков (Петр Иванович) . In: Brockhaus-Efron . tape XXVII , 1899, pp. 463-464 ( Wikisource [accessed November 7, 2017]).
  3. Стекольные заводы в Ямбурге и Жабино (accessed November 9, 2017).
  4. Рычков П. И .: История Оренбургская по учреждении Оренбургской губернии . In: Ежемесячные сочинения, к пользе и увеселению служащие . No. 1-8, 10, 11 , 1759.
  5. Рычков П. И .: Топография Оренбургской губернии . In: Ежемесячные сочинения, к пользе и увеселению служащие . No. 1-11 , 1762.
  6. Рычков П. И .: Топография Оренбургская, то есть обстоятельное описание Оренбургской губернии . St. Petersburg 1762.
  7. Peter Rytschkov: Orenburgische topography or complicated description of the Orenburg governorate . Johann Friedrich Hartknoch, Riga 1772.
  8. Pyotr Rytschkow: Orenburg Topography or detailed description of the Orenburg governorate from 1762 . 1st edition. Kiepenheuer, Leipzig 1983.
  9. История развития научных знаний о пчеле (accessed November 7, 2017).
  10. RAN: Рычков Петр Иванович (accessed November 7, 2017).
  11. Музей Землеведения МГУ (accessed November 7, 2017).
  12. В Оренбурге открылся памятник Петру Рычкову (accessed November 7, 2017).