Police call 110: Murderous village community

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Episode of the series Polizeiruf 110
Original title Murderous village community
Country of production Germany
original language German
Film pool
on behalf of the MDR
length 89 minutes
classification Episode 377 ( List )
First broadcast August 11, 2019 on Das Erste
Director Philipp Leinemann
script Katrin Bühlig
production Iris Kiefer ,
Ilka Förster (producer)
music Sebastian Fillenberg
camera Jonas Schmager
cut Horst Reiter

Murderous Village Community is a TV film from the ARD crime series Polizeiruf 110 . The film was produced on behalf of the MDR and aired for the first time on Sunday, August 11, 2019 on Das Erste . It is the eleventh case for Magdeburg investigator Doreen Brasch and the sixth case with her partner Dirk Köhler , at the same time his last case, since the actor Matthias Matschke decided to withdraw from the role.


A man and a woman are driving through a landscape at high speed. They speed into a place, stop abruptly in front of a house and pound on the front door. They call for Yuri and tell him to come out. Inside the house are the pregnant Annette Wolf, the fiancée of Jurij Rehberg, and her father. From the outside, the man is hammering harder and harder on the door and ultimately breaks it open. Annette Wolf's father threatens the intruders with a loaded shotgun and tells the couple to leave, Jurij is not there and should never be seen again. The woman notices Annette Wolf's pregnancy. She asks about the progress of the pregnancy and, after Wolf's answer, expresses disbelief that Jurij “doesn't waste any time”.

A few days later, Jurij Rehberg's car was found in a forest near Magdeburg with a lot of blood in the trunk. There is no doubt that it is human blood and that no one could have survived such massive blood loss. The chief inspectors Doreen Brasch and Dirk Köhler question Rehberg's fiancée in the nearby village. They learn that Rehberg has been missing for days. While Annette Wolf expresses a certain concern, but also admits that Jurij often needs time off, Wolf's father seems to be satisfied with his disappearance.

The commissioners find out that the waitress Jana Linstow is financing an apartment for Rehberg. (At the beginning, this woman entered Annette Wolf's house in search of Jurij.) When questioned, she explained that Rehberg had a special charisma that was difficult to evade. In addition, he would never be in the “here and now”, but always with his next project, for which she would even have lent him money. When she wanted it back, he would have disappeared. Farmer Paul Funke doesn't have a good time talking to Rehberg either, who promised him to get the missing 40,000 euros, which Funke is still missing for his new biogas plant. But he would have managed nothing, all just empty promises.

A second tire track next to the found car leads the investigators to Annette's father, who owns a corresponding car that matches the tire profile. Strangely enough, when checking, only new tires are found on the car. Allegedly the TÜV would have been due and therefore new tires were necessary. The attempt to find these old tires in order to be able to examine them fails because the local tire dealer has already disposed of them. When weapons and ammunition that had not been registered were found during a search at Wolf's house, Wolf was interrogated. He states that he paid Rehberg 100,000 euros to make him disappear from his daughter's life. Since there are no traces of Wolf in Rehberg's car and there is no corpse, the suspect remains at large.

According to further investigations, the cell phone of the wanted has never left the village since Rehberg's disappearance and so he should still be in the village. But supposedly nobody in the village community knows anything about his whereabouts, at least that's what all those questioned indicate. Rehberg's friend Dietmar Böhmer, the baker in the village, gives little information about his disappearance and confirms that Jurij has often left. When checking Rehberg's connection data, the investigators came across several calls from Heike Sammet, who had called him around midnight. It turns out that this woman had a sexual relationship with Rehberg. Her husband, the local auto mechanic, knew about it. However, she would not have kept his wife's promise to end the relationship. Wherever the investigators ask, everyone in the village wanted to get rid of Rehberg, but no one supposedly did anything to him.

Unexpectedly, a parcel is delivered to the police headquarters with a person's hand. However, an immediate large-scale operation in the village does not result in a corpse find, although sniffer dogs can undoubtedly detect the odor of corpses. However, remnants of cat litter can be found on the hand, which after the forensic examination clearly shows that it originates from the person sought. The demand in a nearby hardware store brings a trace to Marlies Böhmer, the baker's mother. Shortly after Rehberg's disappearance, she had bought an unusually large amount of cat litter there. When her son is questioned, it turns out that he had completely overwritten his business to Rehberg. However, this would only have been on paper so that Rehberg could apply for a loan from the bank. “You do something like that among friends” was Boehmer's comment. He wanted Rehberg to stay close to him. He would even have gone to Amsterdam with him, as he once suggested. Since the evidence against Böhmer is getting more and more overwhelming, because traces of blood are also found in his bakery, his wife Katja finally confesses to having shot Rehberg. On the day of the crime, he would not have behaved in the bakery and claimed that he could do whatever he wanted in "his" shop. Katja would have got so angry that she got a rifle and shot him. Everyone in the village would then have helped to make the body of the unloved Rehberg disappear. At the end of the day, Farmer Funke found the corpse dismembered in a barrel of cat litter.

Ms. Gärtner had sent the severed hand to the police because it was not accepted by the village community in the same way as all the others and she always remained an outsider.


The shooting took place from June 5, 2018 to July 4, 2018 in Magdeburg and the surrounding area.


Audience ratings

The first broadcast of Mörderische Dorfgemeinschaft on August 11, 2019 was seen by 7.56 million viewers in Germany and achieved a market share of 24.8 percent for Das Erste .


Rainer Tittelbach from tittelbach.tv said: “One man stirs up an entire village. He has something of a pied piper, appears in the tales as someone who could be charming and affectionate and in the next moment insolent and cruel. This wolf in sheep's clothing, who was the projection surface for one's own unfulfilled dreams and longings, but also for one's own inadequacies, is no longer alive. 'Murderous Village Community' is a classic Whodunit with many suspects, but at the same time it is a clever crime thriller conceived as a drama with a clear narrative structure. "

The Stuttgarter Nachrichten didn't sound very exuberant and wrote: “Not a bad idea to tell a case in flashbacks. But too many clichés are being used, too much remains on the surface. The story would have given more. "

Christian Buß from Spiegel Online assessed: “In Bühlig and Leinemann's joint 'police call' you can hear ambiguous dialogues in front of an artfully spread sheet of Western pictures. […] There are some wonderful, disturbing moments - which unfortunately do not add up to a coherent village community picture in the end. The group dynamic processes are driven towards the dissolution announced rather clumsily in the episode title 'Murderous Village Community'; the interrogation scenes are often very static. "

In Quotenmeter.de Julian evaluated Miller: "One can not deny the impression: this, Police 'want to be different from the other Sunday night thrillers - and perhaps because of this terribly conventional."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Police call 110: Murderous village community at crew united
  2. Manuel Weis: Primetime check: Sunday, August 11, 2019.quotemeter.de , August 12, 2019, accessed on August 12, 2019 .
  3. ^ Rainer Tittelbach : Michelsen, Matschke, Katrin Bühlig, Philipp Leinemann. Testimonies of silent desperation, film review at tittelbach.tv, accessed on November 17, 2019.
  4. Retrieved from stuttgarter-nachrichten.de, pasted with music .
  5. Christian Buß: Western "police call" from Magdeburg. Is a saloon sign squeaking somewhere? Spiegel Online, August 10, 2019, accessed on August 9, 2019 : "Rating: 6 out of 10 points"
  6. Julian Miller: criticism at Quotenmeter.de , accessed on 17 November of 2019.