Presidium of the Supreme Soviet

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The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR had been the collective head of state of the Soviet Union since 1938 .


The highest state organ of the USSR, the Supreme Soviet , comprised two chambers with equal rights, the Union Soviet and the Nationality Soviet , which were elected every five years by the citizens of the USSR at the same session. The Supreme Soviet met twice a year. He elected 24 members from among his own ranks to the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, which also included ex officio the chairmen of the Supreme Soviets of the Union Republics. The Presidium was the permanent legislative body of the USSR. It elected the Council of People's Commissars (since 1946: Council of Ministers) .

Like the chairman of the Central Executive Committee (1922–1938), the chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet performed the protocol function of the head of state. The political power of the chairmen was limited. In the power system of the USSR, the general secretaries or the politburo members stood above the presidium chairman, insofar as they did not perform one of these functions. Between 1977 and 1985 and from 1988 onwards there was a personal union between the Secretary General and the Chair of the Presidium.

Since 1977 the Presidium has had 39 members, most of whom were elected unanimously by the Supreme Soviet at the suggestion of the Central Committee of the CPSU .

The procedure and function of the Presidium only changed after the constitution of the Congress of People's Deputies in May 1989 and the presidential system introduced in 1990. In March 1990 the Presidential Council of the USSR was established, which was replaced by the Security Council of the USSR in early 1991.

Chairwoman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet

Chairpersons of the Presidium or Supreme Soviet (from 1990) and heads of state of the Soviet Union (until 1922 Soviet Russia) with the following names were:
1922–1938: Chairman of the Central Executive Committee,
1938–1946: Union Elder,
1946–1989: Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviets,
1989–1990: Chairman of the Supreme Soviet,
1990–1991: Offices as Chairman of the Supreme Soviet and President were separated.

Presidential Council

On March 14, 1990 the Presidential Council was established by law , the task of which was to work out measures for the "implementation of basic directions of internal and foreign policy and the security of the USSR". Its members were appointed by the President.

from March 23, 1990

from July 17, 1990

from November 3, 1990

After the body proved incapable of acting, it was dissolved by law on December 26, 1990.


  • Spuler: rulers and governments of the world. Minister-Ploetz Vol. 4 u. 5, 1964 and 1972, ISBN 3-87640-026-0 .
  • Mikhail Gorbachev: Memories. Siedler-Verlag, Berlin 1995, ISBN 3-88680-524-7 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Christian Schmidt-Häuer: The power center of the Soviet Union: Gorbachev's new guard . In: Die Zeit , April 27, 1990.