Quirin Engasser

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Quirin Engasser (born November 4, 1907 in Neubreisach in Alsace , † May 26, 1990 in Bernau am Chiemsee ) was a German writer .

life and work

In 1932, after studying German , newspaper studies and history , Engasser began working as a freelance writer in Munich . He became known through radio plays , plays and novels . On November 29, 1943, his play Stauferin was premiered in Strasbourg . His drama The First Line was premiered at the Residenztheater in Munich and then by other theaters a. a. Taken over in Darmstadt and Berlin .

The main work is the novel Der Ursächer , which deals with the life story of Joß Fritz from Untergrombach near Bruchsal during the German Peasants' War (published in 1939 by the CH Beck publishing house ). Numerous local novels from Chiemgau and the volumes of poetry Days and Nights (1968) and When it's not enough to cry belong to Engasser's post-war work. From 1956 to 1977 he headed the Prien am Chiemsee adult education center , where he died on May 26, 1990. Part of Quirin Engasser's estate can be found in the Saar-Lor-Lux-Alsace literature archive of the Saarland University and State Library in Saarbrücken .

Political orientation

Politically, Engasser went through a development in the course of his life. At times he was close to National Socialism , as his articles in the Völkischer Beobachter show. After the Second World War, Engasser was initially involved in the FDP , for which he ran unsuccessfully on the Bavarian state list for the German Bundestag in 1965 . Later, under the influence of Hans Otfried Dittmer , he was influenced by counterculture tendencies . When Dittmer was able to bring together a number of people who were prominent in the alternative scene at the time, such as Wolfgang Fienhold , Hadayatullah Hübsch and Volker Zotz , and win them over for his Dittmer publishing edition , Engasser also belonged to his group of authors.

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  1. ^ Bernhard von Hülsen: Change of scenery in Alsace: Theater and society in Strasbourg between Germany and France 1890-1944. Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2003 ( ISBN 9783936522747 ) p. 416
  2. ^ Günter Scholdt: Ten Years of the Saar-Lor-Lux-Alsace Literature Archive. Röhrig Universitätsverlag, 2006 ( ISBN 9783861104186 ), p. 53
  3. ^ Frank-Rutger Hausmann: "Devoured by the vortex of events": German Romance studies in the "Third Reich". Vittorio Klostermann, 2008 (Analecta Romanica 61), ISBN 9783465035848 , p. 214
  4. Qurin Engasser: When it's not enough to make you cry. Göttingen: Dionysos-Press [= Dittmer Publishing Edition] 1977 ( ISBN 3-88297-000-6 )