Równia pod Śnieżką

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View from the Schneekoppe

Równia pod Śnieżką ( Koppenplan ) is a subalpine plateau in the Giant Mountains near the towns of Karpacz ( Krummhübel ) and Pec pod Sněžkou ( Petzer ). It lies on the border with the Czech Republic , almost entirely on the Polish side.


The plateau between the crest of the Studniční ( Brunnsberg ) to the west and the cone of the snow Koppe in the East is situated at an altitude of 1400- 1450  m on the main ridge of the Giant. It is about 1500 meters long and 800 meters wide and is bordered by glacial cirques, except on the ridge. In the northeast from Kocioł Łomniczki ( Melzergrund ), in the northwest from the glacial basin on the Karsee Mały Staw and in the south from Obří důl ( Riesengrund ). In the south-west there is another plateau, which has been known for centuries under the German name White Meadow (Czech. Bílá louka , Polish. Biała Łąka ). The distinction between the two areas is not always clear.


Peat bog on the Koppenplan

The low gradient has favored the formation of a mountain rain bog and the location on the main ridge of the Giant Mountains, which forms the watershed between the Elbe and Oder , has made the extremely water-rich plain into the headwaters of several rivers.

This is where the Łomnica ( Great Lomnica ) begins, as does its tributaries, the Złoty Potok ( Great Soaps ), which drains the soap pit, and Łomniczka ( Little Lomnica ), which plunges 300 meters into the valley in the Melzergrund over a cascade of waterfalls. The Łomnica is a tributary of the Bober and therefore these waters belong to the Oder river system .

The Úpa ( Aupa ) rises on the southwestern edge and takes the path to the Elbe via the Aupa falls ( Horní / Dolní Úpský vodopád ) and the Riesengrund. Many small water veins that barely cut into the landscape flow into the neighboring White Meadow . The swampy area is also located between Luční hora ( high meadow mountain ) and Hraniční hřeben ( border ridge ) below the Brunnberg and forms the headwaters of the Bílé Labe ( white water ), the first major tributary of the Elbe.

Flora, fauna and nature conservation

Most of the area is overgrown by low mountain pines ; the bog areas in between, where sedges and rushes form the characteristic peat moss lawn (class: Eriophoro-Trichophoretum cespitosi), have an average diameter of 50 meters. Meadow knotweed thrives here as a pointer for soil moisture .

Bird lovers can watch the red star bluethroat . At least this applies to the male, because the female is perfectly adapted to the environment with its red-brown plumage. The area belongs to the Polish national park Karkonoski Park Narodowy (KPN) and the paved paths must not be left. The same applies to the Czech National Park Krkonošský národní park (KRNAP), which connects to the south.


The Schlesierweg, an old trade route that led from Vrchlabí ( Hohenelbe ) in the middle of the 12th century, led across the Koppenplan to the salt deposits in the Bohemian Basin with the Silesian towns of Krummhübel ( Karpacz ), Hirschberg (Jelenia Góra) and Bad Schmiedeberg ( Kowary ) Association. The path made a significant contribution to the settlement of the Giant Mountains and where the Schlesierweg on the White Meadow passes the source area of ​​the Weisswasser, the first mountain hut in the Giant Mountains, the Wiesenbaude, was built.


This is where the main Sudeten hiking trail (Główny Szlak Sudecki) from the Melzergrund, the path of Polish-Czech friendship (Kammweg) and, from the Riesengrund, the Šourek path, named after the Czech botanist Josef Šourek, meet . There are four mining sites in the vicinity: the Silesian House ( Śląski Dom ), the Small Teichbaude ( Samotnia ) and the Hampelbaude ( Strzecha Akademicka ) in Poland, and the Wiesenbaude ( Luční bouda ) in the Czech Republic.

Web links

Commons : Równia pod Śnieżką  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Hikes on the Giant Mountains Ridge

Coordinates: 50 ° 44 ′ 29.3 "  N , 15 ° 43 ′ 0.8"  E