Rainer Probst

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Rainer Probst

Rainer Josef Probst (born December 14, 1941 in Vienna ; † November 14, 2004 in Mainz ) was a German painter , educator and school politician in the Palatinate and Rheinhessen .

life and work

Still life with roses 1963
Open visor helmet 1981
Cemetery Angel 1997
Table with plate 1997
White knife 2001
Tulip still life 2003

His parents were senior government director Franz Lothar Maria Probst, who came from a family of lawyers in Mainz, and Gertrude Probst, née. Tooth. After a childhood traumatizing according to his own statements, during which he was interned for six months and had to flee from Vienna, he lived in extreme poverty with his mother in Bermersheim vor der Höhe . The family's home in Mainz was destroyed in the war. Only when his father returned from captivity and moved to Neustadt an der Weinstrasse in 1953 did the living situation gradually improve.

His own traumatic experiences in the course of the last years of the war as well as the time afterwards, as well as the intensive contemporary historical examination of the consequences of the war that he experienced through his father and his friends, such as B. Emil Heinrich Darapsky and Josef Nicodemus, who offered resistance in the Third Reich, had an early and lasting influence on him. In this way he soon became a school refusal in the school system of that time. A change from the grammar school in Neustadt to a private grammar school in Mannheim did not help in this regard. As Rainer Probst put it, the teaching staff too often represented the mentality and views from the time of the Third Reich.

He dropped out of school before taking his Abitur and applied to study art at the Free Academy in Mannheim with Paul Berger-Bergner , whom he was soon able to win as a mentor. Berger-Bergner belonged to the group of " Expressive Realists " in Dresden (1890–1914), who were later banned from exhibiting as " degenerate artists ".

After the first year of training in Mannheim, he switched to the Saarbrücken Art Academy , where he completed his basic apprenticeship with Oskar Holweck . Then he returned to Mannheim. Prof. Berger-Bergner introduced him to the works of Cezanne , Beckmann , Kokoschka and the lost artists of the Dresden Secession . In 1964 he completed his art studies as a master student. He then trained as a music and technical specialist teacher, which he completed with a teaching qualification for all types of schools. From now on, artistic activity, political activity and teaching activity ran parallel. Rainer Probst died on November 14, 2004 in Mainz. He was married to Ulrike Dickhaus and had a daughter. He leaves behind an extensive body of paintings in private and public hands. His educational views found their way into the introduction of integrated comprehensive schools in Rhineland-Palatinate.

Political activity

As a long-standing member of the SPD , like the Bundestag members Karl-Heinz Hansen and Manfred Coppik , he resigned from the SPD in protest against the adoption of the NATO double resolution of December 12, 1979 by the social-liberal government of Helmut Schmidt.

He and his wife Ulrike Dickhaus were among the founding members of the DS ( Democratic Socialists ) party at the 1st party congress on November 28, 1982 in Münster, as well as the " Friedensliste 84 ", an electoral alliance of left parties and people who oppose the stationing of Medium-range missiles in Europe and voted for an understanding between the two power blocs in the Cold War. Rainer Probst was an active member of the " Artists for Peace ", an association of over 200 actors, musicians and visual artists, who from 1981 to 1983 organized four major concerts against armament and war. In 1993 he joined the PDS and represented the Rhineland-Palatinate members in the party council from 2000–2002 as one of the speakers. From 2003 he worked as a member of the federal commission on the draft of the new party program in the areas of "education" and "art". The adoption at the party conference 30./31. In October 2004 in Potsdam he was only able to follow him from his hospital bed.

Educational policy

After his first years as an art teacher in Baden-Württemberg schools, he moved to Rhineland-Palatinate in 1971, where he taught at the secondary schools in Mutterstadt and Frankenthal . His declared political goal was to change the "separating school system", which already separated ten-year-old children into three levels. Therefore, from 1981 onwards he participated in the development of the integrated comprehensive school in Rhineland-Palatinate. He founded the elective subject “Arts and Crafts - Craftsmanship”. On his initiative, the Integrated Comprehensive Schools IGS got their own staff representation in 1993. From 1993 until his retirement in 2003 he worked as chairman of the IGS main staff council at the Ministry of Education in Mainz on the development and continued existence of the integrated comprehensive schools in Rhineland-Palatinate. In recognition of his life's work, the then Rhineland-Palatinate Education Minister Doris Ahnen gave the opening speech in 2003 at the major retrospective of his painterly work, which took place on the occasion of his retirement.

Picturesque work

Probst created pictures with pressing issues of humanity: war, protest, environmental destruction. Large-format and expressive, they announce the suffering of people and require the viewer to comment. His main works, however, include his still lifes. An introspective view of everyday things reveals references to Giorgio Morandi and the “ Pittura metafisica ”. The economy of the objects, the colors used, the treatment of the surrounding space quickly lead the viewer beyond what is sensually perceived into a second transcendent level. The preferred preoccupation with the colors white and black in his late work reinforce this relationship to the supernatural.


  • 1965–1987: Participation in group exhibitions in the Rhine-Neckar area, including the Hackmuseum Art Gallery Ludwigshafen, Neustadt / Wstr., Villa Streccius Landau, Palatinate Prize exhibitions in 1986 and 1989 in Kaiserslautern. State art exhibitions in 1989 in Trier and 1992/1993 in Mainz - purchase of the State Museum RLP. Several solo exhibitions in the Rhine-Neckar area.
  • 1998: Art exhibition and documentation: Dalsheim Jewish cemetery
  • 2002: Blickachse Worms
  • 2003: Retrospective “Protest and Poetry” in Flörsheim-Dalsheim
  • 2004: “Poetry of the Everyday” in Nierstein
  • 2005: Retrospective GEW Worms
  • 2009: Exhibition on the 5th anniversary of death: "Bread and Roses", Kunstverein Worms
  • 2011: Political Images. Café Vienna, Mannheim
  • 2013: “Before the Wall”, Worms cultural center

References to literature and pictures


  • Home year book of the Alzey-Worms district 2006, pp. 40–42.
  • Rainer Probst - bread and roses. Retrospective 1961-2004. Catalog. Kunstverein Worms November 15, December 13, 2009. Worms 2009.
  • Rainer Probst - "Before the Wall". Catalog for the exhibition in the Worms cultural center from November 1 to 29, 2013, in the series “Art in Worms”.
  • Paul Berger - Bergner and his students. Catalog. Municipal Art Gallery Mannheim, May 11th to June 10th 1979.

Image references

  • Catalog for the Pfalzpreis Kaiserslautern 1986 in the Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern
  • Catalog for the Pfalzpreis Kaiserslautern 1989 in the Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern
  • Catalog for the State Art Exhibition Rhineland-Palatinate, Trier 1989
  • Catalog for the 10th State Art Exhibition 1992 State Museum Mainz

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Wormser Zeitung of June 26th, 2015 ( Memento of the original of June 28th, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed June 26, 2015 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.wormser-zeitung.de
  2. GEW-Zeitung , 07–08 / 2003, p. 32. (PDF file, 620kb, accessed on June 15, 2015)  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.gew-rlp.de  
  3. Publications on the website of the Kunstverein Worms, accessed on June 16, 2015.