Rajmund Kupareo

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Dominikancu Rajmundu Kupareu.jpg
Spomen-ploča Rajmundu Kupareu.jpg

Rajmund Kupareo , baptized Luka, in Castilian Raimundo Lucas Kupareo Beritic , in Latin fr. Raymundus Kupareo , OP (born November 16, 1914 in Vrboska , Hvar island , † June 6, 1996 in Zagreb ) was a learned Croatian poet , Roman Catholic priest , religious and theologian , European humanist , Croatian philosopher in exile , aesthetician , writer , playwright , Composer and emeritus of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile .


Kupareo came from a noble family and was first formed in Makarska , Hvar , Jelsa , Bol and Dubrovnik . He then studied philosophy at the Philosophical-Theological College of the Dominicans in Dubrovnik (1931-1933) and at the Philosophical Faculty of the Croatian Universities in Zagreb (1941-1944), at the Catholic University of America (1960-1961), and theology in Dubrovnik (1933–1939), Olomouc (1947) and Santiago de Chile (1950–1951; doctoral thesis Ars et moralis ).

In 1930 he entered the Dominican order (preacher brothers) in Dubrovnik . On October 31, 1937, Kupareo was ordained a priest in Split .

During the Second World War, Kupareo was editor-in-chief of Gospina krunica (Mary's Rosary), a monthly magazine in Zagreb. He was also the director of the Dominican publishing house Istina (Truth).

The arrival of communist troops in the spring of 1945 hampered his project to publish all of Alojzije Stepinac's sermons and speeches from 1934 to 1944, in which the archbishop strongly condemned racism and intolerance and emphasized the right of the Croatian people to their own state.

Two months after Stepinac was sentenced to 16 years in prison, Kupareo was forced to leave Croatia on January 2, 1947. He didn't see his home again until June 10, 1971. Kupareo took refuge in Czechoslovakia and the Netherlands, lived in France and Spain. In 1950 it finally found its place on the slopes of the Andes in Chile. He spent the most productive years of his life as a professor of aesthetics and axiology in Santiago; twice he was dean of the faculty of philosophy and also held the office of vice-rector of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. He was the founder of the Institute of Aesthetics and the School of Journalism in Santiago as well as the initiator and editor of several publications ( El mundo católico , Aisthesis and Anales de la Facultad de filosofia y ciencias de la educación ). As the official representative of his university, he traveled through North, Central and South America, Europe and the Middle East.

A stroke struck him on May 14, 1970 and forced him to withdraw. He returned to his homeland to die, but was able to recover to a certain extent and led a withdrawn and simple life in the Dominican monastery in Zagreb. Despite his weak condition, he continued his literary and scientific work. In 1985 he became a member of the Academia chileana de la lengua of the Instituto de Chile , the Chilean Academy of Sciences and Arts. After the democratic change in Croatia, he finally became a member of the Croatian Writers' Union. Before that he was also a member of Matica hrvatska and the American Society for Aesthetics. Some of the highest Croatian and Chilean awards were given towards the end of his life and posthumously.

He was buried in the Mirogoj cemetery in Zagreb (RKT, 27-I-188).

Works (selection)

During his lifetime, Rajmund Kupareo published 25 different books: nine volumes on aesthetics (in Latin , Castilian and Croatian ) and 14 books of poetry, novels, short stories and plays (in Croatian, Czech and Castilian).


His poetry is collected in the anthology Svjetloznak (Light Signs) 1994. After his death, two more poems were found in manuscript form and published in the daily Vjesnik on June 6, 1998 . In Svjetloznak there are 258 poems on various topics - from poems inspired by his beloved homeland and landscapes, to the Nativity , Christmas poems, Lent elegies, Easter hymns, poems in the imitation of Jesus and Mary to Hebrew psalms. Jesus in Kupareo's poetry is always close to people, but God always remains, just like the crucified Christ in Fra Angelico's frescoes. Brother Rajmund remains true to the Dominican tradition, which always viewed the poet from Nazareth in the form of God ( sub specie Dei ).

In Croatian literature stands as a unique poet of Christmas and Good Friday , as well as a powerful patriotism , but not pretentious. Deeply inspired by Christianity , a man has always been more of himself, marked by a strong faith and unwavering love for his homeland. His poems are initially published in German in the book I want to walk through walls. Prayers of Eastern European Christians , Ed. Rudolf Bohren , Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, 1985.

  • Kupareov psaltir , Kupareo's Psalter
  • Kupareove božićnice , Kupareo's Christmas carols
  • Some poems translated into English
  • Some poems translated into Italian
  • Some poems translated into Castilian
  • Some poems translated into German
  • Some poems translated into Czech


The collection of his treatises on aesthetics includes:

  • Ars et moralis (The art and morals, Santiago de Chile, 1951),
  • El valor del arte: Axiología estética (The value of art: aesthetic axiology, Santiago, 1964),
  • Creationes humanas 1. La Poesía (Human Creations 1. The Poetry, Santiago, 1965),
  • Creationes humanas 2. El Drama (Human Creations 2. The Drama, Santiago, 1966),
  • Evolucion de las formas novelescas (The evolution of narrative forms, Santiago, 1967),
  • El tiempo y el espacio novelescos (time and narrative space, Santiago, 1968),
  • Umjetnik i zagonetka života (The artist and the riddle of life, Zagreb, 1982),
  • Govor umjetnosti (Language of Art, Zagreb, 1987),
  • Čovjek i umjetnost (Man and Art, Zagreb, 1993) and
  • Um i umjetnost (Reason and Art, Zagreb, 2007).

All of his studies on aesthetics are not included in these books, some have only remained in journals. He wrote about the essence of artistic creation and he tries to harmonize scholastic, especially Thomistic, learning about beauty with modern aesthetic teachings. When working out aesthetics as an ethical system to improve perception, he seeks to establish aesthetic measure, taste and balance. He based his axiological realism on ontological realism, according to which “there is no being without the value of all beings”. Thus, he maintains that the subjective aesthetic experience, conditioned by the level of culture of perception and judgment, does not destroy the objective value of a work. With regard to the relationship between art and morality, and between art and religion, he emphasizes the independence of a work of art and, objecting to aestheticism, lartpourlartism and moralism, he defines art as "the embodiment of human ideas in a special symbol" and one of the most scenic and noble manifestations of the human spirit.

Prose works

His prose works are: U Morskoj kući (In the Sea House : A Novel About Modern Life, 1939), Jedinac (The Only Son, 1942), Baraban (A Novel from the Island of Hvar, 1943), Sunovrati (Narcissus, 1960), Balada iz Magallanesa (The Ballad of Magallanes, 1978), Čežnja za zavičajem (Longing for Home, 1989), Patka priča (Tales of a Duck: Memories of an Immigrant, 1994) and Izabrana djela (Selected Works, 2005). All of his narratives depart from reality and contain autobiographical elements.

His works also include two children's games - Magnificat and Sliepo srdce (The Blind Heart, Zagreb, 1944) and three sacred representations - Muka Kristova ( Passion of Christ: sacred poem of the five mysteries, Madrid, 1948), Uskrsnuće ( The Resurrection , 1983) and Porođenje ( The Birth of Christ , 1984) - the last three works were published together under the title Prebivao je medju nama (He lived among us, Zagreb, 1985).


He is the holder of the Order of the Croatian Morning Star with the Portrait of Marko Marulić, with which the Croatian President Franjo Tudjman awarded him on April 30, 1996 for special services in the field of culture.

In the same year he was also awarded the Croatian State Vladimir Nazor Award for his life's work in the field of literature.

Some of his poems have been translated into German.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Gradska groblja Zagreb
  2. Pantha rhei and Non omnis moriar : Petar Marija Radelj, Posljednje pjesme Rajmunda Kuparea , Vjesnik (Zagreb), LIX (1998) 18.179 / June 6, p. 20.
  3. Ana Diklić, Pjesnik modern Tradicije , Kolo (Zagreb), CLII (1994) 9-10, pp 942-944.
  4. Petar Marija Radelj, Sub specie Dei , Vijenac (Zagreb), II (1994) November 24/24, p. 12; Petar Marija Radelj, Dominikanski korijeni u životu i djelu Rajmunda Kuparea OP (1914.-1996.) , Vjesnik Hrvatske dominikanske provincije (Zagreb), XXXIII (1996) 78-79, pp. 37-45.
  5. Željko Kliment, in: Moderna vremena (Zagreb), I (1995) 1, p. 16.
  6. Petar Marija Radelj, Kupareov psaltir , November 9, 2014
  7. Petar Marija Radelj, Kupareove božićnice , December 31, 2014
  8. Petar Marija Radelj, Witness to the First Beauty , November 27, 2014
  9. Petar Marija Radelj, Testimone della pura Bellezza , December 27, 2014
  10. ^ Petar Marija Radelj, Testigo de la Belleza , November 17, 2014
  11. ^ Rajmund Kupareo, Problem "masovnog" umjetničkog stvaranja , Hrvatska revija, XII (1962) 3, pp. 241–243; Problemi filmologije , Hrvatska revija, XIII (1963) 4, pp. 531-543; Cardinal Stepinac u likovnom izražaju hrvatskih umjetnika , Stepinac mu je ime, Volume II, Barcelona, ​​1980, pp. 361-365, and Zagreb, 1991, pp. 361-365; Stvaratelji prostora , Marulić, XIX (1986) 1, pp. 6-11; Neka zapažanja Tina Ujevića o ljepoti i umjetnosti , Hrvatska revija (Zagreb), XLI (1991) 3-4, pp. 399-403; Uz rođendanski jubilej Ive Andrića (1892-1992.) , Hrvatska revija, XLII (1992) 1, pp 151-153; Korabljica 1., Zagreb, 1993, pp. 60-63; Bilješke o umjetnosti, umjetnicima i umijeću , Marulić, XXV (1992) 4, pp. 420-423; Structural drame , Hrvatska revija, XLIII (1993) 2-3, 231-234 [about Ranko Marinković].
  12. Marko Kovačević, Rajmund Kupareo , Hrvatski biografski leksikon, Volume 8, Zagreb, 2013, p. 410.
  13. Odluka o odlikovanju fr. prof. dr. Rajmunda Kuparea Redom Danice hrvatske s likom Marka Marulića , Narodne novine, no. 37/96.
  14. Hrvatska enciklopedija , Volume 6, Zagreb, 2004, sub voce Kupareo, Rajmund