Ralph Maria Siegel

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Ralph Maria Siegel (born June 8, 1911 in Munich ; † August 2, 1972 , actually Rudolf Maria Siegel  ) was a German composer , songwriter , music publisher , writer and singer ( tenor ).


Ralph Maria Siegel was a son of the lawyer and composer Rudolf Siegel . He studied music in Cologne , Florence , Rome and Berlin . Ernst Toch was one of his teachers and he also received singing lessons.

He began his artistic career as an operetta tenor and sang in Berlin at the Metropoltheater and in the Admiralspalast . In the 1930s he was also a member of the supervisory board of GEMA and one of those responsible for the prohibition of the free distribution of music sheets and the limitation to 250 free copies. With his hit program, he also served the national-cultural-political aesthetics of National Socialism to a significant extent . Light music with entertaining lyrics was intended to accompany the audience through the war years by subtly evoking the emotional cohesion of the population through the apparently ideal world of artistic ease. In addition to the deliberately banal hit texts he wrote, Siegel occasionally deliberately discredited other contemporary music styles as “ degenerate art ”. For example, he rhymed the following short pamphlet in his musical ABC under the racist keyword of the so-called "nigger jazz ":

"This is rightly frowned upon, so get rid of it as
quickly as possible"

- Ralph Maria Siegel : A musical ABC

From 1941 he worked at the Theater am Gärtnerplatz in Munich. From 1946 to 1949 he was artistic director and senior stage director at the Kurhaus Theater in Augsburg , and he was also a director at the Corso Theater in Berlin and at the Deutsches Theater in Munich.

Siegel was one of the most successful Schlager lyricists and composers of the thirties to fifties. Siegel wrote the text repeatedly while Gerhard Winkler composed the music. Songs such as:

In 1948 he founded the Ralph-Maria-Siegel-Musik-Verlage in Munich, which he directed until his death. He translated the texts of several foreign language films into German, and composed the film music for some German productions . The versatile seal also created numerous works for the stage, including Alles für Eva (1933) in collaboration with Hellmut Seifert ; Liebeszauber (1936), Cheekiness wins (1942) or Charley's Tante (musical, first performed in 1959).

Siegel was married to the Leipzig operetta star Ingeborg "Sternchen" Döderlein , from whose marriage the later successful son Ralph Siegel emerged .

His grave is in the Munich North Cemetery .

Film music


Web links

References and comments

  1. ^ Ernst Klee : The culture lexicon for the Third Reich. Who was what before and after 1945. S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 2007, ISBN 978-3-10-039326-5 , p. 569.
  2. Fred K. Prieberg : Handbook of German Musicians 1933–1945 , CD-Rom-Lexikon, Kiel 2004, p. 6.582.
  3. quoted from Werner Pieper: In the degenerate 3rd Reich the culture-fascist culture roller is rolling . In: Werner Pieper (Hrsg.): 1000 years of music & censorship in various Germany . Grüne Kraft, Löhrbach, ISBN 3-922708-09-9 , p. 86 .
  4. ^ Sven-Olof Sandberg - Under the red lantern of St. Pauli hitparade.ch
  5. Original sheet music: Das Lied der Taube (La Golondrina) Music: Ralph Maria Siegel, Text: Rolf Marbot and Ralph Maria Siegel, using the Mexican folk song, Munich 1949 (Ralph Maria Siegel - Music Edition)
  6. Music: RM Siegel, text: Rolf Marbot and RM Siegel; This song from 1949 - a composition based on the Mexican folk song "La Golondrina" - later achieved enormous popularity in Germany with the new text "Du shalt not cry" (interpreted by the child star Heintje at the time ).
  7. ^ Knerger.de: The grave of Ralph Maria Siegel