Alojz Rebula

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Alojz Rebula (2007)

Alojz Rebula (born July 21, 1924 in San Pelagio (Slov. Šempolaj ), Italy , today municipality of Duino-Aurisina , near Trieste ; † October 23, 2018 in Topolšica, municipality of Šoštanj , Slovenia ) was a Slovenian-speaking Italian writer , translator into Italian from Latin and Greek .


Rebula attended high school in Gorizia and Udine , studied Classical Philology in Ljubljana (Laibach) and wrote his dissertation in Rome in 1960 on Slovenian translations of Dante'sDivine Comedy ”. He was a teacher of Latin and Greek at the Slovenian Lyceum “France Prešeren” in Trieste and co-editor of the Trieste Slovenian literary magazines Sidro , Tokovi and Most as well as the Carinthian Slovenian magazine Celovški Zvon and its successor magazine Zvon , in which he published his diary. After his studies he found his way to the Catholic faith and worked as a thinker, author and lecturer in Trieste, Slovenia and Carinthia .

His thinking was rooted in the work of the French philosopher Jacques Maritain , which he presented in two books. Politically, he was particularly involved in the Kocbek case, when he and his colleague Boris Pahor from Trieste published the “Sky Blue Book” about and with Edvard Kocbek in Trieste in 1975 , which triggered a violent political turmoil in Slovenia.

For his poetic work he received the highest national prize for art Prešernova nagrada and for the novel Nokturno za Primorsko (Nocturno for the Coastal Region) the highest prose prize “Kresnik” (2005). Rebula was a member of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Fine Arts and the Pontifical Academy in Rome.

Until his retirement he lived with his wife Zora Tavčar (herself a writer and translator) and his daughter Alenka (also a writer) in Opicina / Opčine, a northern suburb of Trieste, from then until his death in 2018 in Loka pri Zidanem mostu in Slovenia.

In 2012 Alojz Rebula received the Premio Mario Rigoni Stern literary prize .


  • Stories and short stories from 1954 to 1960; Senčni ples (novel, 1960).
  • V Sibilinem vetru (novel about the time of M. Aurel , 1968).
  • Gorje zelenemu drevesu (Diary, 1977).
  • Divji golob (novel about a young priest in Tito - Slovenia, 1972).
  • Snegovi Edena (short stories, 1977).
  • Zeleno izgnanstvo (novel about Enea Piccolomini, 1981).
  • Oblaki Michigana (Diary from USA, 1985).
  • Vrt bogov (Colorado diary, 1986).
  • Jutri čez Jordan (novel about the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt as an allegory for communism in Slovenia (1988)).
  • Mahranata (novel from the Middle Ages, 2002).
  • Nokturno za Primorsko (novel from the coastal region about the time of fascism and communism, 2004).
  • Koraki apostolskih sandal (Diary of the Synod in Rome 1991, 1993).
  • Kačja roža (novel, 1994).
  • Cesta s cipreso (novel, 1998).
  • Jutranjice za Slovenijo (novel, 2000)
  • Smer Nova Zemlja (Christian essay writing , 1972).
  • Intervjuji o prihajajočem (imaginary interviews with contemporaries of Christ about him, 2002).
  • Biographies about Slomšek , Baraga , Maritain , Ukmar (Italian and Slovenian).

In German translation appeared:

  • Farewell in the wormwood year , Klagenfurt, Hermagoras, 1998.
  • Nocturno for the coastal region , Klagenfurt, Kitab-Verlag 2006

Web links

Commons : Alojz Rebula  - collection of images, videos and audio files