Baden-Württemberg Court of Auditors

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Baden-Württemberg Court of Auditors

Coat of arms of Baden-Württemberg (lesser) .svg
State level Supreme state authority
founding 1952
Headquarters Karlsruhe , Baden-Wuerttemberg
Authority management Günther Benz

The Baden-Württemberg Court of Audit has its seat in Karlsruhe . The audit office exercises financial control over the budget and economic management of the state of Baden-Württemberg . As the highest state authority, it is on a par with the state ministries. He is supported in his work by the state audit offices in Freiburg , Stuttgart and Tübingen ; the state auditing office in Karlsruhe was dissolved in 2011. The Baden-Württemberg Court of Audit was constituted when the State of Baden-Württemberg was founded in 1952 in accordance with Article 83, Paragraph 2 of the State Constitution .


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